Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Marina Country Club - 12th Apr

Ever heard 三姑 mention about a seafood restaurant in Punggol End area and the place is quite ulu, if no car, it will be inconvenient to go there and also last time they used to have a shuttle bus to go in, but it was terminated. Last sun i was at 三姑 house and actually 三姑 want to prepare dinner, but i mention to her about the seafood restaurant as i have not been there before and that day 小姑 was at home also, so we took a ride from 小姑 to the seafood restaurant. When reached there, then know that the restaurant is inside Marina Country Club.

At the entrance

While at the seafood restaurant and waiting for the food(next post) to be served, i walk around to racky the place.

Prawn Fishing Area

Swimming Pool

A small pub

Play Station

While leaving, saw these mini car for kids above 4 year old to rent

Marina Country Club
600 Punggol Seventeenth Avenue
Singapore 829734
Tel : +65 6385 6166
Fax : +65 6387 6166

Website :


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