Friday, June 17, 2016

The Green Corridor (Part 2)

(1) The other day while on the way to my friend office at Bukit Timah area to help out my friend, saw this Bridge, I was asking my friend, can walk, the answer i got from my friend is don't know.  Was asking my friend want to walk one of the day, answer from my friend is no gut. So me is alone again racky the place.

(2) The railway track

(3) Bridge

(4) Quick snap as i had height fright 

(5) The path

(6) Then i remember to turn back to take picture of the bridge with the railway track.

(7) Condo on the left side

(8) Building on the right side

(9) Too bad this building is locked, can't go in to  look see look see

(10) Guess this must be the olden days toilet

(11) Railway track

(12) Random Building

(13) Signboard

(14) Trees along the way

(15) Flower

(16) Path

(17) Plants

(18) Canal along the way


(20) Random Picture

(21) Private housing

(22) Decided to exit at this path as i do not know how long to the next exit, better don't take the risk as no lamp post at night.

(23) Then i realised i have not taken picture, quick snap to remind myself that the exit is towards a private estate .

(24) Buses that is available there


  1. Is this bridge quite famous recently? Because I've saw few of my Singapore friends post about it.

    1. Should be quite famous, this used to be the railway track from Malaysia to Singapore, Singapore to Malaysia...

  2. Looks kind of adventurous walk for you, Sharon... good walk!

  3. Such an adventure for you. Salute you for being brave to walk alone.

    Nice photos. I enjoyed looking at them.

    1. If i were to wait for my friend, i have to wait till my head long long liao... hehe...

  4. If you love such places, close to nature, you would love where my girl's school is, right in the middle of the jungle.

  5. What an adventure. You are really brave to take the walk alone. I think the flower is a morning glory flower.

    1. Thought Morning Glory Flower only open in the morning and the flower "close" in the afternoon?

  6. the railway is so nice, but if u not mentioned i thought is not at singapore.....hahaha

    1. haha... This used to be the KTM railway track from Singapore to Malaysia, Malaysia to Singapore...

  7. Replies
    1. Morning and afternoon, i still ok, at night, i dare not...

  8. Looks deserted. I don't dare walk alone.

    1. Got people that day, i avoid taking pictures of people...

  9. A very adventurous walk for you, Sharon!

  10. Sometimes having a walk look see look see at the surroundings is also very nice ho? ;)

  11. Ehhh, you so brave ahh, you walk alone? The place looks quiet leh.. But quite adventurous also geh..

    1. Saw some ang mo's went to walk also, i try to avoid taking pictures of other's...

      Yup, that day, went alone...

  12. I have read about this place but didnt realise its quiet lonely


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