A visit to Festive Street Bazaar @ Chinatown.
(1) One of the entrance to the bazaar
(2) 风车
(3) I loves this, but control myself from buying it, if not, i will have to do extra workout.
(4) 瓜子
(5) 糖果
(6) 台湾名产
(7) 来临是猴年,卖的是猴的物品
(8) Chinese New Year cookies
(9) Ang Pao packet for sales
(10) 贺年饰品
(11) 可爱的猴猴
(12) 财神爷
(13) Chinese sausage
(14) Waxed duck
(17) Pomelo
(18) 佛手
(19) Pumpkin
(20) 年糕