Saturday, October 31, 2009


龍貓 , 我也来支持了!!! keke...

雖然 《再窮也要去旅行》已於2006 年在中國出版,由於口碑與支持率節節攀升,更在2008 年被媒體評選為中國改革開放30 年,入選最有影響力的300 本書之一(其中還有蔡瀾著的《蔡瀾談吃》、歐陽應霽著的《回家真好》等),一直到三年後的今天,故鄉馬來西亞的讀者,終於能夠一同分享黃愛琳越窮越踏實的 人生旅程。

真摯的260 頁旅遊點滴,圖文並茂的性情女子剖白,不得不佩服來自沙巴州的黃愛琳,秉持自己最純粹的旅遊目標,不停在中國、泰國、西藏,甚至歐洲數個國家,世上有多少 個華裔女子,能在年華時分放下一切,投入世界的懷抱呢?《再窮也要去旅行》要告訴大家,旅行是一種行動,而行動之前往往都是一線之間的信念。這個年代,誰 都能去旅行!

《再窮也要去旅行》是繼《再苦也要去旅行》之後,推出的女生背包游世界第二輯的遊記。作為一個長期旅人,愛琳以簡單的文字和 自身的真實經歷,真誠告白托盤她從東亞走到西亞所遇見的文化衝擊,她一路走來的旅途經歷讓人如同身受、心情隨著故事起伏,包括她在異地痛失親人、她的異國 戀情等。


我 熱愛旅行,剛開始時,其實我也是跟一般人一樣,抱著興奮與期待的心情去旅行,到旅遊景點觀光拍照,買紀念品。不同的是,背包式的旅行有更多的驚喜和冒險, 同時也有機會接觸當地的人,對當地的文化及風俗可以有更進一步的瞭解。後來,旅行的日子久了,紀念品就越買越少,遊客多的地方就會去得越少,我知道自己對 旅行的定義已經漸漸改變,心裡開始瞭解旅行所帶來的真正的意義。


背 包旅行對有些人而言,是一輩子最重要的事情,從而學習並提升生活內涵。性情女子黃愛琳於再窮的旅途,同樣能泰然自若在印度智斗狡猾的商人、天天在英國的公 園吃便當度日,即使在西藏險些丟了性命,也無法捨棄旅行的信念。與旅途中結識的法國情人分離再分離;最後更不得見母親最後一面,只能在荒島上崩潰再振 作‥‥“旅途再窮,也不能窮心靈。”

頁數:252 頁
售價:RM32 / USD10(網絡訂購)
銷售地點:新馬各大書局,或者網站訂購 ,或這裡:
*注明: XX介紹參賽 (若有才寫)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Chocolate Cupcake

I use the chocolate cakes recipe shared by Yummy Koh to make it into cupcakes.

I have made some modification to the recipe :

(recipe shared by Yummy Koh)

130g butter* (original is 75g)
1 cup caster sugar
3 eggs* (original is 2 eggs)
1 1/2 cups self-raising flour, sieved
1/3 cup cocoa powder, sieved
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda (sieved)
1 cup reduced fat milk ( I used evaporated milk)

* items that i have modify

1. Preheat oven to 180 deg centigrade.

2. Using an electric mixer, beat butter, sugar, eggs, flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate of soda and milk on low speed for 1 minute or until just combined. Increase speed to high and beat for 2 minutes or until thick and creamy.

3. Spoon mixture into muffins cup, smooth top. Bake for 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Remove from oven. Stand cupcake for 5 minutes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Steamed Mid Wing Chicken with Salted Fish

Tried Steamed Chicken with Salted Fish shared by Anncoo. Anncoo, thanks for sharing the recipe. This dish is very nice.

For recipe, pls click here.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Crystal Jade Golden Palace @ Paragon (8th Oct)

Friend birthday, so we went Crystal Jade Golden Palace to celebrate, friend has requested for suckling pig and peking duck.

The chilli here is very nice



寿桃 for the birthday friend (compliment from the restaurant)

Crystal Jade Golden Palace
290 Orchard Road
Paragon #05-22
Singapore 238859
Tel : 6734-6866
Fax : 6736-0020
Website :

Birthday Cake Chocolate Truffle from Swiss Bake (

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Little India

Pictures taken during a visiting to Little India before Deepavali to 感染 the 气氛 there and also take a walk at the bazaar there.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


This is a scheduled post.

今天是我的生日,我要特别感谢 Yummy Koh 抽出她宝贵的时间精心为我烘焙的Oreo Cheesecake. 感谢您!!!

我也要感谢龍貓 寄来的生日礼物, 我好喜欢!!! Muaks!!! Muaks!!!

今天也是 Vincent 的生日, 我也要祝他生日快乐!!!

明天是浚妈妈 的生日,也祝她生日快乐!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Vanilla Cake

Saw from Anncoo blog her Vanilla Train Cake, i was tempted to try it out. and it turns out very nice. Was telling Yummy Koh about it, hope to see her soon, hehe...

For recipe, pls click here.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Streets Cafe @ IMM (18th Oct)

Last Sun (18th Oct), met up with Yummy Koh and we went for lunch at Streets Cafe @ IMM.

Ying Yang

At first, i was wondering if the Ying Yang is nice as some place, i drank before, not that nice, but as Yummy Koh has drank before and also recommended it, so both of us ordered ying yang, indeed it is nice.

Crispy Egg Tart

Carrot Cake XO

Crispy Chicken Wings

Macau Fried Rice with Chicken Chop

Streets Cafe @ IMM
#01-126 IMM Building
2 Jurong East Building 21
Singapore 609061
Tel: (65) 6565 0567

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cornflakes Cookies

Saw from Anncoo blog her cornflakes cookies, Yummy Koh has tried it out and told me that it's very nice. Have bought the cornflakes and have kept in my house till that i 心血来潮, so try it out and makes 54 pcs 大号 cornflakes cookies. Have shared the cookies with my friend son. Thanks to Anncoo for sharing the recipe.

For recipe, please click here.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lunch at friend house

LJ 的 拿手好菜,饺子, this round she makes 大号饺子

sauce for the 饺子

Steamed Fish

Braised Mid-Wing Chicken

Soup ( i don't take 鸡脚, so just drink the soup with 莲藕)

As Deepavali is a Public Holiday and friend LJ son have finished his PSLE exam, she invited AYC and me over to her house for lunch.
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