Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 2 : Shenzhen ===> Zhuhai (Part 3 of 4)

Actually after lunch, our itinerary have two places to go, which is Gudou Hot Spring Resort and Little Birds Paradise, but the other family, they are not keen in this two places and also my mum is also not keen in Hot Spring, i have 大姨妈 visitation, not convenient. The other family suggested go shopping so the tour guide bring us to Zhuhai Port Plaza. This place is an underground shopping place. (We were given 3 hours to shop there)

I saw this sushi eating place, i was tempted to try but because not hungry, so didn't try it out.

They even sell Macau 手信 there as the boarder crossing to Macau is there.

After walking for some times, went outside to take a walk.

Taxi in Zhuhai

We ordered a 饺子 and a coffee to try it out

Curious what is this building, so ask the Tour Guide, he's not very sure what building is this.


Boarder crossing to Macau

The Tour Guide advise us not to cross the boarder to Macau as he have guests who have cross the boarder to Macau before and when re-enter China have problem.


  1. 哇~ 爽呐~

  2. 键轩惠馆

    Thank you for visiting my blog...

    They sell many different variety of food there...

    ~ Shermen and Venus ~

    Enjoy your trip ya... Hope to see pictures of the trip after u back ya.. hehe...

    Dear Sock Peng

    Ya lor...

  3. 哈哈哈哈哈!原来我们大家都跑去玩了!

  4. i went and visited these place before
    nice palace...

  5. so during the shopping u didnt buy anythings ah? XD

  6. Did you have a chance to try Zhuhai's famous oyster (横琴蚝)?

  7. 龍貓

    餃子 is my favourite... hehe...


    Ya lor, we went out to travel ya, hehe...

    Puddycat Mei Ai

    Thanks for visiting my blog...

    Nice scenery ya...


    Have bought a pair of shoe...


    Nope, didn't get a chance to try it... :(

  8. 原来你到深圳了,我去了两次香港都没顺便过去。有点可惜……


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