Friday, March 2, 2018

An ordinary Friday (23rd Feb)

Two days before CNY, I was at PPHCSC reading newspaper, the Director of PPHCSC was there, so with two mandarin oranges, I wish her Happy Lunar New Year.  She ask me to bring my mum to the breakfast session on 23rd Feb as there will be a lao yu sheng.

On the day itself, I told my mum, why not she don't take the transport to the Day Care Centre, I will bring her go after the lao yu sheng.  She's not keen to go PPHCSC, told her, go for a while, give face to the Director of PPHCSC.   So I called up the driver to arrange for the transport to fetch her from PPHCSC block.  While at PPHCSC, she throw tantrum by only eating the porridge but refuse to eat the bee hoon.

As usual, beehoon with youtiao.  The egg is prepare by a resident.  The chicken with mushroom, not too sure who prepare it.


After my mum board the transport to the Day Care Centre, I was back at PPHCSC where they had lao yu sheng.

Went to the Day Care Centre after the breakfast session at PPHCSC.  Senior's exercise time.  After the exercise, lunch time for the Senior's.  Dry horfun with fish and vegetables.

Since I was not very hungry, I had mushroom soup @ $2.50 at Tender Chicken.  Tender Chicken is situated inside the Community Centre.  The Community Centre is next to the Day Care Centre.

Tea break is waffle, the piece of cake is bought by an ex-staff of the day Care Centre who came back to visit the Elderly.


  1. Sometimes older people could throw tantrums just like kids do. So you need to manja-manja with her lah.

    1. Sometimes I got to talk to her like talking to a kid...

  2. All on a Friday? That's quite a lot of food!

  3. It is not easy taking care of elderly people and we know sometimes you need lots of patience.

  4. Carry on the good work Sharon! At least she goes to the day center.. yes, we need to be very patient and you are doing good!

  5. 希望大夥兒一起撈生的感覺!
