Monday, March 5, 2018


24th Feb (Sat)

Before the start of CNY, a staff from PPHCSC called me, tell me that there's a CNY Party by CDC, ask if my mum is interested.  So I sign up for her.  Venue is at PPHCSC.  Time : 9am to 11am.

The party starts off with sing song.  Then lao yu sheng.

We were told that the foods is sponsor by Mr and Mrs Neo from Neo Garden.


After the makan, it's bingo time.  Everyone is a winner.  They called out numbers till the last person bingo.  Prize is a mug and a red packet, inside is a big sweep for the month of March.

After bingo, sing song and then the party end.

After the party, it's time to go Church service.

The Church announce about the CNY lao yu sheng plus dinner.  My mum was not keen, so I didn't purchase the ticket.  Then the Saturday before CNY, one of the Church leader came over with two tickets and told me someone has bless us with the tickets.  Only on the day itself, then I know who is the person who bless us with the tickets as we are in the same table and the Church leader told me and introduce him.  Only manage to take picture of the roasted chicken as nobody was taking picture of the food, I was shy to do so.

25th Feb (Sun)

Usually, will go to my Uncle (my mum younger brother) place on the 3rd day of CNY, but it so happen he and his wife has something on, so, went on the 10th day of the Lunar New Year.

At my uncle place

Dinner at Tiong Bahru Markey, wu xiang @ $4.20, before going back.


  1. CNY party is so early at 9am! yee sang for breakfast?

  2. They were so thoughtful to have Bingo games where everyone became winners!

    1. At first I thought only certain no. of people will win, but like what you mention, they were thoughtful...

  3. Yes, God sends someone to bless you and your mom!

  4. God is good! You and mom are blessed!

  5. Waa.. I miss playing bingo. Such fun!
