Thursday, March 1, 2018

Appointment with Doctor (22nd Feb)

My mum did a blood test on Chinese New Year Eve (15th Feb), one week later (22nd Feb), to see Doctor.  Her appointment was 9.40am.  We were early, we reach the Polyclinic at around 8.20am.  When I scan her Identify Card, it states, registration is open 60 minutes prior to appointment.  Didn't know about it. Ask the staff station there about it, was told, it has been in this way for a long time.  Thought we are early, we are still able to get a queue number and wait at the consultation room area.

It so happen there are industrial attachment of medical students from National University of Singapore in the Polyclinic.

While waiting for the queue number to be called, the Doctor who is supervising the medical students came to ask us whether we are okay with medical students around.  The students will only be observing how the Doctor go about seeing patients, prescription of medicine will still be by the Doctor itself.  Me is ok with it.  

There are three students in the Doctor room.  After seeing the Doctor,  one of the student came out and did a survey.  From what I was told, they will each take turn to observe and then did a survey with the patient if they agree with doing the survey.

After making appointment which is three months later, as the medicine the Doctor prescribe is three month, went to collect medicine, then to make payment.

My mum didn't want to go Jurong West 400+ there for lunch, instead she wanted to eat at the Food Court in Jurong East MRT station.

I run out of bread, so went JEM to buy and I have been targeting the mixed fruit tart, so bought a mixed fruit tart @ $3.80 back home to eat.


  1. 希望這三位也是為市民服務的好好醫生!

  2. I am not into these tarts as they do not come cheap - with that kind of money, I can go for something else a lot nicer...and cheaper.

  3. Nice tart. I usually look but don't buy.

  4. Nice tart you have there... I cannot finish one by myself.. surely must share

  5. The tart looks delicious! I would like to try one!
