Thursday, October 12, 2017

Day 9 of Home Improvement Plan (6th Oct)

Ask my mum whether she wants to go PPHCSC for breakfast session after the workers arrived or go Food Centre eat before the workers arrived.  Her decision, eat at the Food Centre before the workers arrived.

She had Yong Tau Foo @ $3

Bump into Aunty Mary at the Food Centre as she's buying breakfast for her grandson before her grandson goes to school.

She said she's not going for the breakfast session at PPHCSC as the people there seem not happy with her and also she's not going church anymore.

After the workers arrived, since my mum not going, I went PPHCSC for the breakfast session.  Bee hoon and mee with dumplings made by a resident.

Same question I get, is the HIP free, have to repeat, no, it's not free, I have to pay for it, can use CPF to pay, heavily subsidy by Government.

The Chinese Ministry Pastor is there, mention to him about what Auntie Mary mention.

After the breakfast session, went back, the plumper is there doing the installation of the wash hand basin, pedestal pan, sanitary fitting, etc. 

They are also doing the reinstatement of water heater, etc.  The guy was asking me mirror, since my mirror is an old one, went to get a new one and also to get a shower hose that is needed to be connected to the tap. 

Then is staying at home to make sure the installation is in order and also to make sure the things are okay, no leaking, etc.

The Social Worker is coming at 4pm to visit my mum.  So I thought I will go for an early dinner (I didn't eat anything after the breakfast session at PPHCSC), I had roasted chicken rice @ $3.  It so happen the electrical guy is at my place doing the installation of the toilet/bathroom lighting and there are some problem and I got a call from the HIP office about it.

When the Social Worker came, he told my mum she looks good in the new hairstyle.  My mum reply him, i don't want to cut, they force me to cut my hair.

The soup which I find something different from the usual chicken rice stall I eat before.  It had peppery taste and a bit of the caggage inside.  Too bad it's only a small bowl.

The workers finish at around 6pm.  Was relieve that I am able to use the bathroom/toilet instead of the portable toilet where it's so cramp that I am not able to have a good shower.

Since it's already evening and one more day to go, I only did a bit of cleaning up, the rest, till it's completely over.

After that, had a shiok shower before calling it a day.


  1. Wow! You had a shiok shower after so many days. I thought you can shower easily at the place of your Zumba.

    1. Finally, I can go Zumba after missing it for weeks, hehe...

  2. Aha! I have yong tofu in my post today too. What a coincidence.

  3. Ayoyo ... I can imagine how shiok this shower must be! Glad that it's all done up now.

    1. Indeed it is shiok, after having to use a cramp portable toilet, hehe...
