Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Day 8 of Home Improvement Plan (5th Oct)

On the 8th day of Home Improvement Plan.

My mum had fish ball kway teow @ $2.50 at the Food Centre near our place.

Ask my mum if she wanted to go PPHCSC drink Milo, at first, she hesitate, but she still go in the end. It so happen they have a free hair cut for the elderly (pre-register is required) from 10am to 1pm. 

Uncle Choo is there as he has register for the hair cut.  Ask him if his wife has discharge from hospital, yes, his wife has been discharge from the hospital on Wednesday.  He's not able to go for the hair cut due to some problem in his head.  Staff from PPHCSC help him to make appointment at the polyclinic to see doctor.

My mum hair is long and staff of PPHCSC ask her if she wants to cut hair since there's a slot, she insist on not cutting it.  So the staff ask me to cut first then persuade her to cut.  After cutting, told her I already cut my hair and it's her turn.  After a bit of coating, she finally cut her hair.

After coming back from PPHCSC, it's time for me to go  makan.  

My first initial plan was to eat zi char, but passed by Ministry of Ribs , change my mind as I have yet to try their foods, I did not go for Ribs as cutting down on eating pork.  Instead I had wild mushroom chicken @ $9.90.  Two side dishes to choose from in which I choose pasta and mashed potato.  When the foods arrived, I was wondering, how come the chicken is dark, but not bad lah, only that I didn't see any mushroom.  When I made payment, was surprise they do not charge service charge and GST.

The two workers finish the job at around 5.10pm, so I thought everything finish, I close the door. In a while, someone knock on the door, was told he's taking measurements for the bathroom/toilet door. Just when he left, I thought I will go to the HIP office to make some enquiry.  When I was back, 2 guys were outside, they are coming to do the refuse chute.  Ask my mum how come she didn't open the door for them, her reply I do not know who are they.


  1. Your mum is being cautious.. never open door to strangers... :)

  2. Maybe it was mushroom sauce, that's why no see mushrooms :)

  3. I would go for what your mum had, yours look kind of messy.

  4. It is good for your mom to be careful.

  5. Where is your photo after the hair cut?? Show lah.

  6. Your chicken dish looks yummy to me ..maybe it's only mushroom sauce rubbed Sharon, I will pop into your fb to see your new haircut ;)
