Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Sunday (9th July)

The transport to church will usually comes at 8.30am.  Usually my mum will want to go down to wait for the transport at around 7.30am.  One of the regular Uncle, Uncle Tang, he's also quite early to reach the venue waiting for the transport.

On Sunday, Uncle Tang ask me to help him buy Oranges from the Market.  He told me to buy 8 oranges, big one, 4 in each bag.  He wants to give it to his friend.  Off i go, to the Market, i was looking at the oranges, they do have individual one, but small oranges.  The big one, it was bag at 5.  1 packet of 5 big oranges cost $7.50.  So i bought 2 packets, total is $15.  So i ask the seller, (he has been selling fruits at the market for a long time, my mum and i know him) Boss, i'm helping an elderly Uncle buy the oranges, can give discount.  He reply $14.  Ask him again if can be $12, he said cannot lah since the oranges, prices have increase.   So settle at $14.  When i return with the oranges, i thought i do not want to collect the money from Uncle Tang since he has been blessing my mum and i for the past few weeks with breads when he went to buy for his breakfast.  He insisted on giving me the money, as he ask me to buy.  So i collected only $10 from him.  He told me he wanted to give to the 2 drivers of the transport that transport the elderly to the church.

What touch me was that Uncle Tang was quite generous when giving and he's not stingy in giving as when he ask me to help him buy, he already state big oranges and he didn't state the budget he had.

Usually, i will attend the Chinese Service with my mum, this round, i thought i will go English Service, when i went for the English Service, one of the staff at PPHCSC, she's an Usher for that day at the English Service, she ask me, where's my mum.  Reply her, my mum in Chinese Service, she ask me ok that my mum in Chinese Service, told her, i told my mum, wait for me to come down, don't wander off.  

I left a bit early before the English Service end, and went to the Chinese Service to look for my mum, the service have not end, lucky, my mum didn't wander off.

As usual, my mum wanted to go Seah Im Food Centre for lunch after the service.  As usual, she had the duck yam rice from her favourite duck rice stall at Seah Im Food Centre.

Was walking rounds and undecided on what to eat, but finally settle on Kway Teow Goreng Seafood @ $4.50.

Then my mum wanted Indian Rojak, ordered a piece of Tahu, Fried Fritter with Egg filing and a Potato @ $3.

The sauce for the Indian Rojak

Ask my mum if she want to drink coffee from the market or after walking one round at Harbourfront Centre, then drink at Harbourfront Centre.  She wants coffee from the market.  $1 per cup.

Went Harbourfront Centre walk walk, Star Cruise

Ferry to Batam

Resort World Sentosa on the opposite side

Then we went McDonald's for a cup of Sundae before going home.  We wanted Strawberry Sundae, but the staff said only have Strawberry Banana Sundae.  So ok lah, Strawberry Banana Sundae @ $1.90.

The Hanbaobao Pte Ltd in the recipe caught my attention


  1. What a fruitful day for you and your mom! Jia You!! God Bless....

  2. lol, u mum will wander off without u? the Indian rojak in SG is so different from MY version. The sauce that we have is usually thick peanut sauce.

    1. So far no, hehe... I have yet to try the MY version Indian rojak...

  3. What a nice walk-walk with your mum. She has a pretty good appetite!
    May there be more people like you and Uncle Tang who are patient and kind :)

    1. Nowadays, usually Sun, after Church, will go walk walk with her...
