Monday, January 23, 2017

Chinese New Year Bazaar @ Chinatown

Every year, before Chinese New Year, there will be a Chinese New Year Bazaar at Chinatown.  The Light-up ceremony is on 7th January.  But on that day, i had a workshop to attend from 2pm to 6pm, so i didn't go on that day.

(1)  Chinese New Year decoration taken from the bridge

(2) Taken from the bridge

(3) As Year of Chicken is coming, so the soft toy is on Chicken

(4)  Colourful Chicken

(5)  More Chicken

(6)  and more Chicken

(7)  I like this, but didn't buy, as already have soft toy at home, buy more will only collect more dust.

(8)  Hope Year of the Chicken will be good, bring in more golds


(10) 瓜子

(11) 果冻 

(12)  Seeing this Chinese New Year cookies make me think of Mama Kucing, as saw from FB and her blog, she has been making Ngaku.

(13)  Chicken

(14)  Lucky Bamboo, me can only see, but no buy, as no fate with plants

(15) Lucky Bamboo

(16)  Seen this before, but not sure the name of it

(17) Chinese New Year cookie

(18) For kids

(19) Sweets

(20) Pumpkin

(21) Pomelo from Ipoh

(22) 佛手

(23) Street leading to the bazaar

(24)  There are a few stalls selling 瓜子, this is one of the stall

(25) Red packets for sales

(26) For wall decorations

(27) What is this called, can someone tell me?

(28) God of Fortune vs Santa Claus

(29)  Nowadays hardly see this Bird Nest drink, i remember when i was young, there used to be push carts selling this drink.

(30) Every year, i will see this stall

(31) Chinese Sausage

(32) Can someone tell me what is this called?

(33)Waxed Duck

(34) For decoration

(35) Fan

(36) Radish

(37) Lucky Bamboo

(38) Loves this

(39) 年糕

(40) Chicken

(41) Stage

(42)  Too bad i can't go near to take picture of the chicken

(43) Every year, before  Chinese New Year, there will be long Q at the above stall Bak Gua

(44) Street decoration

(45) Huge Chicken


  1. Less than 1 week to go liao. The decorations and goodies up for sale really give the festive mood.

  2. Your post gives me the feel of festive mood. I was on low pace but now I realized that it is only a few more days to CNY. No grocery shopping done yet!

  3. Good show of Chinatown festive and happening. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Chinese New Year.

  4. wah, the huge chicken is really super huge!

  5. Good Afternoon Queen of the Chinatown!

    It is so hot here. Hope the rain will come soon.

    1. Good morning TM...

      It has been raining almost whole day yesterday and now it's still raining...

  6. Chinese say fans, must display properly or the wind will blow all the good luck away. Best not to put up those, just to be safe.

  7. Thanks for sharing all 45 photos! You worked so hard walking around.

    1. Usually every year, i will go Chinatown walk and see...

  8. I love all the different cute and colourful chicken photos! They are so unique and lively.

  9. 我喜歡這些雞雞玩偶,很討喜呢!:D
