Friday, January 20, 2017

Blk 15 Woodlands Loop

Heard about this place at Woodlands Loop, since was in the vicinity, decided to go and take a look.

(1)  The location is at Blk 15 Woodlands Loop

(2) Random Picture

(3) The building

(4) Not too sure which place is open for CNY buying, random walk and first place to come across selling CNY goodies is Tian Yuan Su Shi Pin Mao Yi.

Tian Yuan Su Shi Pin Mao Yi
Blk 15 Woodlands Loop #04-42 Singapore 738222
Tel : (+65) 6261 6338

(5)  Walk and walk, saw some ladies around the area, must be selling things there, yes, found another place selling CNY stuffs.

Hai's Pte Ltd
Blk 15 Woodlands Loop 
Singapore 738322

Tel : (+65) 6752 8588
Fax : (+65) 6758 9288

Email :

Website :

(6)  Heard about this place, but not sure the unit number and which storey, manage to find the place after some walking.

J & C Bakery
Blk 15 Woodlands Loop #03-03
Singapore 738322

Tel : (+65) 6753 3500

Operating Hours : 
Monday to Friday : 9am - 6pm
Saturday : 9am - 6pm
Sunday : 9am - 4pm

Website :

(7)  The space is quite small, and at that time when i was there, it was packed, so i thought i look around first and manage to take some pictures of what they sold there, Almond Cookie is one of them.

(8) Eclair

(9) Cake

(10) Thomson Foodstuff Manufacturing

Thomson Foodstuff Manufacturing
Blk 15 Woodlands Loop 
Singapore 738322

Tel : (+65) 6752 8911

(11) One of the item sold - Nian Gao

(12) Kim Lee Pastry House

Kim Lee Pastry House
Blk 15 Woodlands Loop #03-11
Singapore 738322
Tel : (+65) 6752 0311

(13) One of the item sold there - Pineapple Tarts

(14) Around that area, it's Industrial area

(15) Random Picture


  1. You really know how to explore and discover all this well hidden places.

    1. Since in the vicinity, might as well go there see what they are selling....

  2. 新年一定要買一些年餅好過年啊!嘻嘻…

    1. Now i limit my buying of CNY cookies, if not, i will end up overeating,hehe...

  3. I think by now you know Singapore in and out. No need to use GPS or Waze. Few more days to CNY.

    1. Use my hp GPS, hehe... Ya, few more days to go, hehe...

  4. My missus has bought a lot of those cookies in plastic bottles - usually they are not so nice. Some bakeries here make their own and at times, theirs are nicer - will have to go round and try. She has no sales resistance one - when see, must buy...and in the end, nobody wants to eat and I have to finish it all. It's a sin to waste.

    1. That why now, i limit my buying of cookies, as like what you mention, nobody wants to eat, and me, i can't resist the temptation, sure will finish it up, if not, it will be a waste...

      I have a friend, she said she bought those cookies for CNY, after CNY, if the cookies can't finish, she will give it to the sweepers, etc...

  5. wahh.. really lots of goodies, if I see, sure end up buying...

    1. Now i buy in moderation, if not, can't finish, i sure can't resist temptation, finish it all...

  6. I hope you not just explore, but got buy a lot. CNY coming very soon, you know?

    1. I bought at Woodlands Terrance liao, so here is explore, as CNY cookies, i do not want to overbuy, if can't finish, it will be a waste and i sure can't resist temptation and finish it up...

  7. I think you mean 'Nian Gao' in pict 11, right? :p

  8. What did you buy?

    Nice walk and discovery.

    1. Didn't know what to expect here, so have bought things over at Woodlands Terrace already...
