Monday, October 22, 2018

Same old rountie

15th Oct (Mon)

Bought a batang steak from one of the fishmonger in Redhill market yesterday.  This is my first time buying from this lady fishmonger as previously when I was there, I bought from another stall.  That stall was crowded,  so I bought from this stall.  Should be my 1st and last time as her attitude piss me off.

Batang steak @ $3

While on my way home, bought a banana leaf prawn otah @ $1.70 as I was craving for otah.

Bump into Mr and Mrs Choo helper at my neighbourhood.  Ask whether Mrs Choo had been discharge from hospital.  Was told she's still in hospital.

Causally ask the helper how long she has been in the hospital, the helper reply was 4 months. 

16th Oct (Tue)

Now that the timing of the transport picking up my mum is earlier, I can take a bit of sweet time to get to work.

Thought that I will go for a cup of kopi @ $1.40.

Also a chicken curry puff @ $1.40

When I reach my workplace, I got a shock.  My manager is on mc and big boss is here to cover her. 

17th Oct (Wed)

I was nearby my manager workstation when she was counting the earning for the shift.  It so happen short of $7 and she has to cough out the $7.

After I knock off, since I pass by Jurong East on the way back, want to Springleaf Prata have my quick early dinner before going back to wait for the transport bringing my mum's back.

Had a plain prata ($1.30) and egg prata ($2.30).

The curry for the prata

18th Oct (Thur)

My chin chye cook dinner with whatever i have in the fridge.

Have wanted to cook rice, but I add in too much water, so become like porridge.  Ingredients : fishcake, dry oyster, chinese sausage.

19th Oct (Fri)

Recently, I did not knock off on the spot, but around 20 minutes later.

I don't have the luxury time to sit down and eat as I have to be back before the stated time when they send my mum's back, so tabao food back home.

Otah @ $1.40

Nasi lemak @ $1.40


  1. Life's like that, same ol' routine most every day but thank God, all is well.

  2. You made me crave for curry puff!

  3. You have been taking otah twice. I never try prawn otah before. Fish, yes, few times.

    Curry puff. I must stop at the roadside stall tomorrow to get some. Long time didn't buy it.

  4. All looks good, decent meals on the table, very thankful for that...

  5. now I'm missing ol' chang kee curry puffs!

  6. Yummy and delicious! Makes me hungry!

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