Tuesday, October 2, 2018

An ordinary weekend

21st Sept (Fri)

Few days back, saw my manager eating nasi leak, makes me feel like eating it too.

Everyday when I pass by the convenience store on my way to work, I will see the nasi lemak.  Each packet cost $1.90. This morning, I decided to buy a packet and keeps it till I went back home then eat.

Lucky I bought this packet of nasi lemak as my manager ask me to go to the bank to change note and I have to take Q number and wait for my turn.

Phew, I manage to make it back to my workplace 15 minutes after my knock off time and I also manage to buy 2 otah, 1 original ($0.75) and 1 prawn ($1) to go with my nasi lemak.

Make a trip to the Doctor (General Practitioner) due to rashes around my right breast area.  Was given two type of medicine to stop the itchness and a cream to apply.  The medical fee cost me $32.50.  Was joking with my mum, should have ask her to help me see Doctor, can save $28.50 due to Pioneer Generation subsidy.

22nd Sept (Sat)

During last Saturday exercise, an exercise friend was mentioning she will go back Thailand.  Someone suggested that after the exercise today, we will have a potluck session.  Then the daughter of the exercise friend message the person who teaches us the exercise every Saturday morning, inviting all of us to the house where they will prepare Burmese food for everyone.

The person who teaches us exercise ask her as she mention she will go back Thailand and her daughter prepare Burmese food, only then do we know she's from Myanmar.

The vermicelli or whatever it is call, is similar to those as in thick bee hoon, but is thinner.  Serve with gravy which I heard cook with fish or fish bone, many people, so didn't hear clearly.

As I need to buy food back for my mum, pass by a bakery shop, buy a lotus paste with single yolk @ $8 for mooncake festival.  Nowadays, I'm not into mooncake, so only buy 1 for the sake of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Initial plan was to go for the Sunday English Service, but as I have something to attend to on Sunday morning, I went for the Hokkien Service.  

After service, was at Bukit Merah Central as I have something in mind to eat.

In the end, I didn't eat what I wanted to eat, but eat prawn bee hoon mee @ $4 from the hawker centre as quite a while didn't eat prawn mee already and also pass by the stall and was tempted to eat.

23rd Sept (Sun)

Attend the Community Emergency Preparedness, an overview of SGSecure & Essential Emergency Preparedness, Tier 2 Training at the Community Club in the morning.

Lunch is provided

Has been a while since I went for the Sunday at the Park workout at my kampong neighborhood park, today I manage to make it.

My dinner - maggie mee


  1. ah, finally no burgers...hehe...the Myanmar food in your picture looks like our soup beehoon

  2. Your nasi lemak or not, rich with coconut milk? I hate people selling nasi lemak that is not lemak enough.

  3. I miss nasi lemak after seeing your nasi lemak, long time haven't eaten nasi lemak.

  4. Nasi lemak with fish for $1.90. That is reasonable. The one I love and I buy from road side us RM2; just peanuts, quarter boiled egg, and 2 small salted fish.

    Nice lunch provided on Sunday. Looked like nasi lemak.

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