Monday, September 17, 2018

A new week has begin

10th Sept (Mon)

As usual,  Monday is burger day.

I was addicted to the drumlet and also onion rings.

Whopper junior,  fee : meal provided

11th Sept (Tue)

There's a new stall at the Halal coffeeshop which is walking distance from my place that sells gado-gado which I have bookmark to try it out.

Gado-gado @ $3.50 which I don't said that it has swept me off my feet that I will return soon to have something else. 

Feel like having chicken fries, so took some chicken fries back, fee : meal provided.

I was lazy this week, so skip Bible Study Fellowship.

12th Sept (Wed)

My mum has a medical appointment at the Polyclinic in the morning.  Then it's to the Day Care Centre.

As I have an appointment with one of the staff from the Day Care Centre Head Office in the afternoon, I stay on at the Day Care Centre.

My mum's lunch at the Day Care Centre, brown rice with fish, egg and french bean.

There used to be a Chinese eatery place near the Day Care Centre, it has change hand, now is a Malay eatery place.  Try out the curry chicken briyani @ $3.50.

My mum's tea break  - carrot cake

I brought home a burger and thought of giving it to the staff who ferry my mum back, but was told could not accept it.  So not to waste food, I kept it in the fridge and heat it up for my dinner.

13th Sept (Thur)

Since I need to buy grocery from the supermarket...

Bought a mixed maki @ $4 from the supermarket sushi counter.

From my workplace, fee : meal provided, a piece of fried chicken. Also 2 piece of drumlet and onion rings.

14th Sept (Fri)

It's Friday again...

Potato salad for my mum

Futomaki for my dinner


  1. My girl loves those onion rings but she can't eat them now, coated with bread crumbs - not gluten-free.

  2. I go for drummets and onion rings.

    Chicken curry Britain? So how was the taste??

    1. Oops, should be briyani, didn't realize they auto change the word to Britain...

      Taste was ok only...

  3. Don't know which intrigues me more...your mum's carrot cake (which bears no resemblance to a British or American carrot cake) or your second "burger"...looks more like a stew? You do a great job looking after your mum by the way

  4. Nice to have meals provided even though it is a burger day! :)

  5. 我們那天才吃很久沒吃過的burger。實在是太贊了!

  6. I love all your food choices - so yummy! :D

  7. The drumlets and gado gado looked good to me. How come you need to wait at the Day care centre? I thought you could leave your mum there to relax for few hours while you go off.

    1. Yes, I can go off... I have to wait at the void deck when the transport brings her home...
