Monday, June 11, 2018

Week 22 (Part 3)

1st Jun (Fri)

After my blood test, went to the nearby Yuhua hawker centre to have my lunch.  Nothing in mind to eat, walk one round and end up at the coffeeshop.

Order a glutinous rice


and a 菜包, total : $3.80

2nd round, egg roti prata @ $1.50

The curry for the roti prata

Pass by a shop selling ang gu ku, cannot resist the temptation, so bought 2, 1 for my mum and 1 for me.

As it's the start of a new month, went to the Day Care Centre to make payment for my mum's Day Care Centre fee.  Saw a beautiful flower while on the way there.

Tea break for the elderly - fruit tart

 2nd Jun (Sat)

It started to rain heavily in the morning.  At first, thought of cooking some porridge for my mum, but was lazy.  Heavy rain, so didn't go down to buy breakfast, in the end, cook maggie mee for my mum's lunch.

Then, went to volunteer at an outreach event by Caregivers Alliance Limited to introduce about Caregivers Alliance Limited at a breakfast session organise by Bukit Batok Zone 3 RC.

The Chairlady has ask us to help ourself to the breakfast, but my group, nobody has taken yet, so I was shy to take.  And beside, the residents paid $2 for it and I didn't pay.  So wait till nobody else has taken the foods, then I went to take.  Left only beehoon and potato salad.

A cake for Parents Day, coffee cake which I saw one of the volunteer bring in the cake, the box, from Bengawan Solo.  The cake is nice.

After the session, I thought of going church, but if I go church, by the time I reach home, it will be evening time.  I don't feel at peace  my mum at home alone and not sure if she has eaten.  So I drop the idea of going church.

Since I still have stomach for food, I had 1 steamed pumpkin cake @ $1.20 and 1 piece of chee cheong fun @ $1.

A packet of fried carrot cake @ $3 to share with my mum as I have bought other food for her.

3rd Jun (Sun)

As yesterday didn't go church, told my mum, later going Senior's Club (Day Care Centre), there's newcomer staying at PPHCSC that block, the driver will fetch from there, we have to wait for the transport at PPHCSC that block.

After service, there's baptism of 4 candidates. 

Went for lunch at Seah Im Food Centre.  As usual, my mum had duck porridge.

Since my mum is with me, I order a fish briyani @ $5.50 as can share some with her.

Was at Harbourfront walk one round, look look see see ferry to Batam.

Before going back, we were at Qi Ji, my mum had chee cheong fun @ $2.20.

I had chicken wing @ $1.70

Coffee @ $1.60


  1. only look see look see ferry to Batam? not goin Batam?

  2. One ang ku is not enough for me. Must have at least 4.

    1. If empty stomach, I can have at least 4 too, hehe...

  3. Lovely harbour photo. My favourites would be the ang koo...and the lor mai kai. Biryani looks good too!

  4. 雙親節快樂!這個周末是我和兒子的第一個父親節!嘻嘻…

  5. I'm drooling for a taste of many of the food you posted here. Greedy me!

    1. Whenever I see your food post, I also drooling, hehe...
