Thursday, May 31, 2018

Week 21 (Part 2)

25th May (Fri)

My mum ask me to go to the Day Care Centre, reply her that I already went yesterday, so today, I won't be going.

As usual, PPHCSC breakfast is beehoon with youtiao, egg.

Ask Uncle Choo whether his wife has been discharge, was told not yet.  Told Uncle Choo, I will visit his wife, but I will not buy any food for her to eat (she has chronic condition, I dare not anyhow buy food for her to eat).

So after the breakfast session, went to visit Mrs Choo.  This round, she tell me, another time you come, buy laksa, chee cheong fun for me to eat.  Reply her, next round, I want to see you back at the kampong and not in hospital.

My brunch after visiting Mrs Choo, steamed dumpling, 6 pcs @ $4.20.

26th May (Sat)

My mum didn't go Church and after service, it was raining heavily.

So went to the refreshment area, thought only coffee/tea being served, but there are foods being served too.

As there is 3 candidates from the Hokkien Service getting baptism, so stay to show some support.

After that, was at Kim San Leng coffeeshop at Bukit Merah View having my early dinner.

Had porridge

with 梅菜

Not too sure what is this dish called, ask them and was told it's call 美人鱼.

Long bean

Total : $3.60.

27th May (Sun)

Last Sunday of the month, Zone 2 RC Senior Friendship Circle (for age 60 and above).

Breakfast for the Seniors, my mum finish half packet of it, no prize for guessing who has to finish up for her.

After that, we went to the coffeeshop to eat her favourite stall sliced fish mee sua @ $3.50.


  1. Never tried mee sua with fish, bihun or hung ngang (the big bihun), yes.

    1. If eat with the big bihun, I prefer eat with fried fish...

  2. Mrs Choo has a good sense of humor. Wish her well.

    Mei ren yu (fish). Never know such fish.

    1. Till now, she's still in hospital, hope she can be discharge soon...

      Saw it in chap cai rice stall before, but I do not know the name of it...

  3. I love mee sua but have yet to try with fish.

  4. Your mum looks forward to visit the Day Care Centre. I believe there is fun out there to meet and chat with other friends. When I am old, I hope there is a day care centre nearby my home for me. I will be the clown and blow out kisses to everyone.

    1. I will join you at the Day Care Centre when I am old...
