Monday, May 28, 2018

Week 20 (Part 3)

18th May (Fri)

Told my mum, you go to the Day Care Centre, I don't go.  She then tell me, if the auntie scold her again, how, reply her, don't argue with the auntie, let the staffs know.  She seems want me to go, so told her I will go in the afternoon.

When the transport arrive, the staff was mentioning, they will have staff around the area where my mum's sit to monitor the situation.

As usual, the breakfast at PPHCSC, bee hoon with youtiao.

Laksa prepare by staffs of PPHCSC

An auntie was mentioning to me that Uncle Choo wife was in Hospital.  Uncle Choo was there, ask him about it and which Hospital his wife is in.  But he doesn't know the ward and bed no.

So after the breakfast session, went to the Hospital to visit Mrs Choo.  Since I do not have the ward and bed no., I need to check with the Information Counter.

The first thing Mrs Choo ask me when she saw me is, did you buy anything for me to eat?  I want to eat mee siam, curry.  Reply her, if I were to buy this foods for you, I will be scolded by the doctor and nurses.  Hospital foods is healthy.

The Chinese Ministry Pastor was there to visit and pray for her.  She ask the Chinese Ministry Pastor the same question she ask me.

The weather was so hot that I was at the food court having a bowl of ice kacang.

After that, went to the Day Care Centre.  This round, my mum sit with the Malay guy.  As usual, he was talking non stop.  He ask my mum to give me a slap.  Another moment, I  am a gorilla in the jungle.  Next moment, ask me how come I am not cutting the grass as I am a gardener.  My mum was laughing at what he said, when then he said to my mum, I love you.  Reply him, my mum happy to see you, but she don't love you.

Afternoon activity is bingo.

Tea break for my mum - a piece of cake

Usually after tea break, the elderly will get ready to go home.  The Malay guy was saiding he's taking helicopter back.  

As now is Ramadhan month, I went down to the hawker centre after my mum is back from the Day Care Centre as during the Ramadhan month, the Malay stall will sell foods like kuehs, cutty puff, etc. for 1 month. 

Bought 2 pieces of kueh at $1

The spring roll, they are selling at 5 pieces for $2, but a bit hard for my mum to chew, so bought 2 pieces, inside the filling is otah.

As for dinner, I didn't manage to buy anything as the rice they have, only have rendang which I don't feel like having, and they do not have chicken.

I thought of going to the halal coffeeshop which is a bit of walking distance away, but it started to rain heavily, and not sure when will the rain stop, so drop the idea.

In the end, cook maggie mee with egg and fishball.


  1. Oooo...I love serimuka!!! The green part looks soft and so very lemak, the way I like it best.

  2. 伯母要你去幫她主持公道!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

  3. Good morning Sharon,
    Have a wonderful week and Happy Wesak day
