Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Week 18 (Part 5)

4th May (Fri)

I was thinking whether to go PPHCSC for the Friday Breakfast Session anot or to go straight to see doctor.

Second thought, if I were to go see doctor, not too sure how long I have to wait.  Polyclinic is usually very crowded, beside, the online appointment system only allows same day appointment, which means, I can't go to the website yesterday to make appointment for today and the appointment hotline is not easy to get through, have to hold and hold.

So in the end, after my mum boards the transport, I walk over to PPHCSC.

As usual, beehoon with youtiao and egg.  As it's the first Friday of the month, they celebrate the birthday for those born in the month of May.  But no bingo game as they mention next Friday, celebrate Mother's Day then play Bingo.

After the breakfast session, went to see doctor.  I reach the Polyclinic at around 10.50am, was surprised to see many people as I thought, Monday will be very crowded and the other day won't be so crowded.  By the time, i'm done with seeing doctor, collect medicine, make payment, it's already 2pm.

I have to rush, as need to buy dinner for my mum, be back before the transport fetch her back.  Have a quick brunch, a pan-fried soon kueh @ $0.80 and a pan-fried png kueh @ $1.

Actually, I wanted the soon kueh without pan-fried, but it's sold out, so go for the pan-fried soon kueh.  As for the png kueh, they do still have without pan-fried, but I forgot to tell them, so they take it that I want pan-fried for the png kueh.

Since when I reach my kampong, see that the timing is almost tea-break time, drop by the Day Care Centre. The first word the Malay guy said when I saw him is darling @%^#%. They did some changes in the seating arrangement, my mum was seated at another table with 2 elderly auntie.

There are 4 Malay in the Day Care Centre.  3 male and 1 female.  Macik cones everyday from Monday to Friday.  Uncle O also goes to the Day Care Centre everyday.  Uncle H goes on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  As for "Hulk Hogan", Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Hulk Hogan was in the same table with Uncle O.

At first, I didn't see macik, only when the son came then I saw her.  My heart sank when I saw her in wheelchair.  Ask her son, what happen, macik has a mild stroke (relapse), so sad.

There's an elderly uncle whose daughter is there.  She mention her dad doesn't likes drawing, the oher day, he was ask to do drawing, and he throw tantrum.  She was worry the dad will throw tantrum by saiding don't want to go Day Care Centre, so she stays with the dad whole day today at the Day Care Centre.

Think should be the same drawing as with my mum, as heard my mum mention they ask her to do drawing, but she doesn't know how to draw.

Tea break for the elderly is fruit tart.

Medicine from the doctor is antibiotic, which I have to complete the whole course.  Panadol as the doctor saids that I have slight fever.  When I see the minazol powder, it looks familiar, checked back, it's the same minazol powder I got months back when I develop rashes around my breast area.


  1. Hope you will get well soon.
    I can remember the wonderful tasty png kueh you bought for me during my trip. Thanks a lot Sharon

    1. This is the one I bought the other time, but not pan fried...

  2. Oh dear!!! So much meds. Get well soon!

  3. That guy blurted vulgar words at you?? Slap his face lah!

    Your medicine is a lot like eating candies. Get well soon.

    1. Mention about slap, one of the staff was "slap" by him the other day...
