Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Week 16 (Part 2)

18th Apr (Wed)

I need to run errand and after run errand, end up at Bukit Batok West ave 8 having lumch.  There's a coffeeshop there where I like the chap chai fan (mixed rice).

I had porridge

The ingredients I had, total $3.80

shrimp paste chicken

Has been quite sometimes I had it, can't recall what's the name of it.

Steamed egg

Then i have to go Community Centre settle something.  Since Community Centre is next to my mum's Day Care Centre, went there.  The elderly were in the midst of their activities when I were there.

As usual, the Malay guy, same group with my mum.  He mention he's Hulk Hogan.  One of the elderly uncle is grandfather, then one of the elderly auntie is grandmother.  My mum is security woman.  There's another elderly Malay uncle in the same group, he's security guard.  The staff in charge of the activity is office girl.  Me is gardener cum wash long gao (drain).

Tea break for the elderly, a piece of chwee kueh and two piece of biscuit.

TM was asking in an earlier post if the Malay guy gave me a French kiss, this round, before going back, he gave my mum a French kiss.

19th Apr (Thur)

Pass by a Cafe while I was at Bukit Batok West ave 8 yesterday, saw that they sell chicken pie, as I haven taken my lunch, so bought back for my brunch today.

The cafe name is My Grandfather Cafe

Chicken pie @ $4.90

Filing includes potato, mushroom, chicken

* Facebook picture

Evening time, workout time, at first, I thought of not going due to laziness.  But no exercise, cannot lah, so go lor.  Pound Fitness at Science Park 2, free workout by Health Promotion Board.  No regrets as I did sweat out and my t-shirt is all wet after the workout. Will regrets if I don't go.


  1. OMG!!!

    TM Faints!!

    TM wakes up......faints again..

    That Hamsap man gave you a French Kiss once and now gave your mum too!!! Both of you better wash your mouth with Dettol and gargle with Listerine 10 times. That man could be a Hepatitis or HIV carrier la. Better don't play play lah with Hamsap fella. Better kiss stray dogs which are safer. Ha ha ha.

    BTW do you know what is French Kiss?? He used his tongue to find treasures in your mouth??

    1. And he has favourite word, darling, sweetheart, lol...

  2. You mean a flying kiss, I'm sure. Eyewwww...a french kiss! If no cuci gigi one, pengsan! LOL!!!

  3. Porridge will be good for hot days! The Malay man is imaginative!

  4. 這個Chicken Pie很開胃啊!肚子餓了(⊙﹏⊙)

  5. Waa...that chicken pie looks so good. Haha, that Malay man is certainly in a world of his own.

    1. Not bad, everytime I see him, he has something to say, lol...
