Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 12 (Part 1)

19th Mar (Mon)

I manage to check with a staff from the Head Office of the Day Care Centre.  I was told the Government subsidy my mum gets is funded by Ministry of Health as Day Care Centre is under Ministry of Health.  So I am right.  The subsidy is from Ministry of Health and not Social Welfare.

I run out of certain items and need to get it replenish and end up at one of the coffeeshop at  Bukit Batok East having dumpling noodle @ $4.

Went for a cup of coffee before going for my class, if not, I think I will doze off during the class as not enough sleep.  Lesson 8 already.  4 more lessons to go before I complete the class.

20th Mar (Tue)

Went to the supermarket buy grocery and end up at the Food Court having lunch.

Cold Saba bento set @ $5.90

Cold Saba

Karaage chicken

Fried ebi, crabstick, sweet potato, lady finger.

A bit of vegetable

* Facebook picture

My kaki Sharon didn't message me but another friend C message me and told me she's going to Biopolis as Instructor J will be there and she has not tried Instructor J Zumba before and ask me if I want to join her. Then reply her Instructor J is good but I am not familiar with the place as I have not been there before. She then mention it's walking distance from her place but she had not been there before.

Then the worst part came, it started to rain in the evening, heavy rain.  C message that Biopolis might be cancel as her friend told her it's partial shelter.  She's going IMM, I am not keen at Mall workout as usually Mall workout is crowded.  I prefer Healthy Workplace Ecosystem.  So I went for Piloxing at Icon @ International Business Park.

I used to dislike piloxing, but today piloxing session with the instructor was great.  Although the weather was not that good and cold,  I still feel hot and sweat.


  1. Is that the caregiver class that you attended? Drink big koleh of kopi-O kau kau before class. Ha Ha!

    I love that cold Soba bento set! Very delicious indeed.

    1. Yes, since I was sleepy that day, I went to have a cup of coffee before class, if not, I might doze off during class, hehe...

  2. I like the dumpling noodles...the dumpling looks filling & big!

  3. Aha! More greens! Good! Good! Keep it up!

  4. You make me hungry again...

  5. I feel like having a cup of hot coffee but afraid I cannot sleep after that!

    1. I going class, so a cup of coffee for me, if not, I might end up sleeping in class, hehe...
