Thursday, March 15, 2018

Week 10 (Part 4 of 4)

10th Mar (Sat)

I sign up for a Caregiver Support Group @ New Horizon Centre (Bukit Batok) where I get to meet other caregivers whose love one has the same diagnosis as my mum and also there's a talk by guest speaker.

It's suppose to be from 2.30pm  - 4.30pm, but as the speaker is unable to make it in the afternoon, it was change to 10.30pm - 12pm.

There are two guest speakers for that day, Mr Seith and Ms Sally from Agency for Integrated Care.  Topic for that day is Planning Ahead : Advance Care Planning.

While have refreshment after the talk, a few of us was sitting in the same table.  A lady was sharing that her dad did not shower for, I won't share the duration here, it stunned me. My mum has the same problem in which there's a time, my mum did not shower for three weeks.

But now, thank God, after she goes to the Day Care Centre, if she does not shower every day, at least she will shower alternate days.  She used to wear the 101 cloth, but now at least she change every day.

Since my mum has eaten in the morning, so I thought I will go Church for the 1.30pm Hokkien Service as I need to clarify with Pastor on an issue about my mum. If not, I have to go home.

After the service, I was at Bukit Merah View, as I was craving for Curry Chicken, there's a stall in the Food Centre selling curry chicken, order it.  Price is $3.50.

Rice is $0.50.  After that, tabao a packet of rice back for my mum.

11th Mar (Sun)

Start off my day with a Zumba workout at my neighbourhood.

* Picture by RC volunteer

After the workout, went back to have a shower before proceeding to the Community Centre for the Community Health Screening which I have register at $2.  My mum didn't go for the blood test as she has did it less than 1 year.  But I did sign up for her the Functional Screening which is for age 60 and above.  What they did : oral health, vision and hearing.

Bump into an auntie whose hubby has the same diagnosis as my mum.  She was sharing that when her hubby was talking to her, he will shout at her.  I then told her, my mum is the same.  When with others, she's courteous, when with me, the not nice tone will be there.

After everything done, it's lunch time.  My mum had roasted duck rice @ $3 at the nearby coffeeshop.

I had fishball mee kia @ $2.50.  At first, I thought of mi tai bak, but no more mi tai bak.  Business was good that day, my mum finish her roasted duck rice, but my fishball mee kia was not here yet.

One plain and one egg prata @ $2.50 to share with my mum.

Earlier on at the Day Care Centre that my mum goes to, they have an Open House, try the tie and dye.  We were told to open after one week and wash it.

2nd round of exercise is, Sundays at the Park at my kampong from 5pm to 6pm.


  1. Still no vegetables, just a small chunk of potato.

  2. God bless you Sharon for your care and love and patience. Have a happy weekend.

  3. Good to join a support group and have ppl with similar experience sharing your problems and worries and also those good times with your Mom.

    Take care!

  4. Yes, you are doing very well with the welfare of your mom, Sharon!

  5. shower for weeks? wouldn't she feel uncomfortable? anyway, u did great in taking care and being patient with ur mom. God Bless u and her!

    1. That period she didn't shower, she seems ok with it...

  6. I am very happy that you are participating to learn to be a good caregiver. It is not difficult at all but just need some patience and guidance.

    Now you have inspired me to post in my blog later on why it is necessary to be a caregiver.

  7. Curry chicken looks yummy! It is good to attend the care-giver's class.
