Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Week 10 (Part 2 of 4)

7th Mar (Wed)

Need to do marketing and end up at Jurong West 500+ market.

Had porridge

With 梅菜

braised egg

Chicken cutlet

Total : $4.50

My extra,  scone @ $0.60 from a bakery shop while buying bread.  I always can't resist the temptation and end up buying something to eat.

The driver ask me if I will be going to the Day Care Centre, told her I will be going in later which is in the afternoon.  While the elderly are playing games, i "pretend" to be Uncle, sitting there finding words.

The staff was asking my mum if she wants drawing.  My mum was not keen.  Another staff was telling me, usually elderly don't want, must encourage them.  But when she went over to persuade my mum, was not successful. So with few elderly, guess they are the same diagnosis with my mum as the same few elderly in the same group in the afternoon activity.

They were each given a plastic spoon, then a ping pong ball was pass round, the last elderly will put the ping pong ball in the egg tray.

Tea break, croissant with egg filling

While at home, I was asking my mum, how come she doesn't want to draw.  Her answer was, she doesn't know how to draw, waste paper, waste crayons and she likes to play ping pong.

8th Mar (Thur)

As I was rushing for time, as I was going to the Day Care Centre, I didn't manage to go to the supermarket to get some items need.  Have to make another trip.

On Monday (5th Mar), pass by a Cafe which is next to the venue for my class, saw they have a new item, which is Nasi Kerabu with Chicken Satay.  Was back to try it out.

While on the way to the cafe, pass by a temporary stall selling the above, not too sure what it's call, I ever eat it and like it.  Bought a small pack @ $3.50.

Nasi Kerabu with Chicken Satay @ $6.90

Went to the Day Care Centre in the afternoon.  Chinese Ministry Pastor and some volunteers from PPH Brethren Church was there to sing song and Pastor preach a small sermon.

Tea break was yam cake with a piece of cake brought over by the volunteers of PPH Brethren Church to celebrate birthday for those born in the month of March.

* Facebook picture

Had my workout at Raffles Holland V


  1. Nasi kerabu? Where's the kerabu?

    1. The nasi kerabu only have the fried egg, satay, ikan billis, cracker...

  2. After all the eating, better to work out hah..hah...

  3. Like you, I also will buy if I see something I cannot resist!

  4. Yummy food as usual, Sharon. You really know how to find good food!

  5. Porridge. I feel like having it now.

    Yup. Like STP said, where is kerabu?

    1. The nasi kerabu only have satay, fried egg, ikan billis, crackers...

  6. wah, I wanna eat the nasi kerabu with chicken satay....drooling!!!

  7. Nasi Kerabu is nice and delicious. I ate them everyday in Kelantan.
