Friday, February 2, 2018

28th Jan (Sun)

I didn't set my alarm clock, nearly overslept, but luckily, didn't miss the morning Zumba workout.  Usually I don't like to be late, and will be a bit earlier.  The workout, by Zone 1 RC, suppose to starts at 7.30am.  I reach just in time, 7.30am, only to realize that the instructor has not arrive.  Heard from another participant that the instructor is usually late.  Instructor arrive at 7.45am.

In an earlier post, Dee Cee mention about a shop at Jurong West 500 plus there selling a variety of vegetarian stuff.  I decided to go there look for the shop.

After alighting from the bus stop, saw stall selling CNY stuff, went to look see look see.

Year of the dog coming

Found the shop, thanks Dee Cee for telling me about the shop.

Came across a stall selling plants, cannot buy, if not, I will only harm the plants under my care as no green fingers.

Random picture

Cai Shen Ye

 Wall decoration

A bakery shop selling loose CNY cookies, bought 100g of kueh bangkit @ $3 as I couldn't resist the temptation.

Managed to go for 5pm Sundays at the Park workout at my neighbourhood park.