Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New Year Eve (31st Dec)

It has been a rainy day on the last day of 2017, raining almost whole day.

* Photo credit to RC volunteer.  Started the day by going for Zumba workout.  Last workout for Year 2017.  One of my resolution for 2018 will be not to be lazy, exercise more.

Then bought a packet of vegetarian kway teow mee back to share with my mum.  Cook a simple lunch, shower.

As the other time, at my relative place, my relative gave me a packet of drink to drink in which relative mention, the drink was free when relative bought things from the supermarket and she can't find the drink in the supermarket.  It so happen I manage to come across the drink in the supermarket, so thought I will get some for my relative.

Was back at Beo Crescent. 

Saw a stall at the Food Centre selling chee cheong fun, $0.80 per piece, so order 2 pieces @ $1.60.  Went to order coffee.  It so happen the auntie selling coffee was talking to a cleaner.  What they are talking is more to gossiping.  So I interrupt by placing my order.  She answer me, I am talking, wait.  Seeing that she is more senior than me, I do not want to argue.  Not that you are serving customers.  Anyway, my first and last time order from her.  If I were to be there again, will order from other stall.

The other time, I bought fried hokkien mee from one of the coffeeshop for my mum dinner, this round, bought fried hokkien mee again back for her to eat.  Instead of ordering two $3, I ordered $5 to share.  Container $0.20, so total is $5.20.

Was back at Happy Oven.  Bought a apple strudel @ $1.80, eclair @ $1 each, cream puff @ $1 each,  cheesecake @ $2.50.


  1. I miss Singapore Hokkien mee...in a leaf.

  2. 对啊!新的一年里我也要多注重健康!

  3. I love cheesecake but have to watch my diet! Sigh!

  4. I am eyeing the pastries in your last photo hee..hee...

  5. SG Hokkien mee is so much different than the KL version. Here the Hokkien mee is dark color.

    1. I ever try the Hokkien mee in Jurong Point Malaysia Boleh..

  6. I love this Hokkien mee. Different from the one I order here but this version looks yummy too! ^.^

    1. I go KL, you bring me go eat the best hokkien mee in KL ya...
