Friday, January 5, 2018

Lunch @ Jurong West st. 42 (28th Dec)

Recently, my mum on and off has been scratching her leg due to itchiness.  Ask her if she wants to see doctor, her answer is definitely a NO.  So I have to lie to her that my rashes is back, I need to see the doctor again and ask her to go with me, then after seeing doctor, go makan.

Went to Polyclinic see doctor.  When the number is being called, told her, let's go in, lucky she didn't resist.

Told the doctor about my mum problem.  As the other time, when my mum was discharge from the hospital, she was given 2 months of medication.  When she went to see the Memory Doctor, I ask the Doctor, if her medicine finish, how.  Was given a letter and was told to bring her to the Polyclinic to see Doctor.  She still has 1 month medication at home.  Since we were there, I pass the Doctor the letter and ask her if I were to bring my mum back 1 month later when the medicine finish.  My mum was prescribed 1 month medicine, same as what the Hospital prescribed.  Additional is a moisture cream and a cream for fungal.  And my mum needs to go back again in February for a blood test and 1 week after the blood test, to see doctor.

After everything done, we went Jurong West 400+ there to have our lunch.

As usual, my mum wants the fish soup from her favourite stall. $4 for a bowl, but I add $1 for additional fish. So total is $5.

Rice @ $0.50

Chilli sauce

My starter, order a $3 rojak to share with my mum.

Told my mum, after that, we go to the other coffeeshop, as usually if in the vicinity, I will go to that coffeeshop to have my favourite white coffee, although it's more expensive than the usual coffee @ $1.70, i prefer this white coffee.

My mum second round, fried carrot cake @ $3

Saw a new stall selling duck, char Siew, roasted meat, etc.  Try out the duck rice @ $3, which I would said nothing to shout about. 

Additional 2 dumplings @ $1, also I would said, nothing to shout about.

While on the way back, bump into Aunty Lee in the bus.  She went NUH for her follow-up.  She ask me where I go, told her I bring my mum see doctor at Polyclinic.  She then ask me got to pay money.  Of course lah, my mum got to pay for her medical fee.  She then told me, she went to apply for financial assistance from the hospital, so she need not pay for her medical fee.

She then went on to tell me, if she walks too much, she will be short of breath.  Like the other time, she went to the Community Centre to collect the Food Pack.  Told her, she can pass the card to her granddaughter and ask her granddaughter to collect on her behalf.  She then went on to said will ask her son to collect at night.  As her granddaughter is waiting for 'O' level, ask her, in the meantime, is her granddaughter working part-time, was told nope and her granddaughter is at home. So I ask her, since her granddaughter is at home, why don't she ask her granddaughter to go with her to the hospital for follow-up as I ever heard she mention before she not sure of the direction at the hospital.  Was told a day before the appointment, she ask her granddaughter, but her granddaughter doesn't want to go with her.

Mentioning about the medical fee, sometimes back, I bump into a neighbourhood neighbour, she was telling me, she's a Malaysian, a Permanent Resident in Singapore.  She's over 60, in Malaysia, over 60, if see Doctor at Government Hospital, it's free.  So for her, she will usually go Malaysia see Doctor.   Haiz, Singapore, over 60, not free if to see Doctor at Polyclinic or Government Hospital. Have to pay.


  1. I love roast duck!

  2. I guessed that the medicine could have caused the itchiness so your mum needs to drink plenty of water to flush out all the toxic that caused dryness on the skin.

    1. She doesn't drink plenty of water, usually only a bit...

  3. i like fried carrot cake SG version! The duck rice also looks good...

  4. Hope your mom's itchiness will be better soon!

  5. I hope the cream and medicine will help stop the itch.

  6. You are such an amazing daughter, Sharon. Got strategy somemore to con mom to the doctor..haha! Good job.
