Friday, January 19, 2018

2nd Week of 2018

8th  Jan (Mon)

Healthy Workplace Ecosystem is back after the Christmas and New Year Season.  I was thinking whether to go anot as previous day (Sun), I already did my workout (Zumba, by Zone 2 RC)  in the morning and in the evening (Sunday at the Park).  In the end, motivate myself to go, if not, I will end up getting fatter and fatter.

My kaki Sharon didn't WhatsApp me, guess she must be busy with her work or with her mum.

Before going for the workout, thought I will go for a quick drink.  The place where I like the kopi has closed down, disappointed.  So went to the neighbour, Heavenly Wang.

Had Milo @ $2

As the usual spot where the workout is usually conducted is occupied by an event, the venue is change to another spot.  Just as I was searching for the spot, saw an angel (the facilitator) pass by and he told me the direction.  He was on his way to the usual spot to direct anyone who is going for the workout to the temporary spot.

Just as the workout is about to start, saw my kaki Sharon coming.  After the workout, while chatting, she mention she wanted to message me, but she was very busy with her work.

Walk together with Sharon and the instructor to the MRT station where we goes on our separate ways, Sharon and the instructor take the train where I take bus.

9th Jan (Tue)

As usual, elder-sitting was on, for my mum.  And then she went PPHCSC for a while to listen to karaoke.

Since my kaki Sharon is not going for workout, I thought I will go Icon@IBP, which is nearer to my place, for my workout.  As for that venue, from what I know, rain or shine, they will start as certain area, there's shelter.  It so happen, the weather was not good, started to rain heavily in the late afternoon. But upon reaching the venue, was inform by the Facilitator that the session might be cancelled as only a small portion of the sheltered area was dry and the place can't cater to around 40 to 50 people as certain area was wet.  In the end, workout CANCEL. Disappointed.

10th Jan (Wed)

My mum feet start swelling on Tuesday, so I thought I will bring her to see the Doctor on the next day if it still swell.  As usual, I told her my rashes is back, I need to see the Doctor, then I pretend to scratch and tell her it's itchy.  And ask her to go with me, then after go see Doctor, we go eat.

This round, we reach the Polyclinic at 8.05am and was done at around 9.10am.  Not so many people and was quite fast.

Doctor was asking what my mum does at home.  Most of the time, she's sitting and doing nothing.  Was told it's due to lack of exercise.  She was given permasol cleaning solution and moisturiser.

After that, we went Jurong West st. 42 for lunch, where my mum had her fish soup from her favourite stall.

I ordered chwee kueh, 4 @ $1.20 for brunch, 2 for me and 2 for my mum, while waiting for my mum to finish her fish soup before proceeding to the other coffeeshop for my favourite white coffee and lunch. 

Had mini wok

With mee kia @ $4.50

Since I didn't had any workout on Tuesday, so must make it for workout, if not, will feel uncomfortable.  Went Science Park 1 for Kpopx.  Wet weather, lucky there's sheltered area, so the workout continue.

11th Jan (Thur)

Since the Doctor said that my mum lack exercise, got my mum to go for a walk at the neighborhood park before going for our meal.

My mum mixed rice @ $3.00

My pork rib noodle @ $4.50

My mum wants bread.  Was told 2 slice of bread was $1.60.  I took out a $1 coin and 3 $0.20.  The guy took the $1 coin and not the $0.60.  When I approach him, he insist on taking $1 only and want to bless my mum.  Feel paiseh for that.  When I reach home, it came on my mind, earlier on, I ordered 2 cup of Milo and he collected $2 from me, usually Milo is more than $1 a cup.  May God bless him for his kindness.

12th Jan (Fri)

Suppose to go for an appointment at the Day Care Centre with my mum at 9.30am, but last minute, they change to afternoon.

End up at PPHCSC for the breakfast session.  Guess due to the wet weather, lesser people.

After the appointment at the Day Care Centre, went for early dinner, I had wanton hor fun @ $2.50. Request for no char siew, only wanton.

My mum mixed rice @ $3.20

13th Jan (Sat)

I got to know about Alzheimer's Disease Association from the Hospital.  I got a brochure and from there, I learn about the Caregiver Support Group where there is a talk by a Guest Speaker and sharing session amongst caregivers and learn about Dementia.

Sign up for the Person-Centred Care Approach in Dementia Care at New Horizon Centre (Bukit Batok).  Session is from 2.30pm to 4.30pm.

Refreshment is served after the session

14th Jan (Sun)

Went for Sunday service at Church.

Refreshment at the Church

Refreshment at the Church

 Since there is no rain after the service, my mum is ok to go Harbourfront.  

As usual, my mum had her favourite duck porridge.  I saw a new stall, try out the sweet and sour fish @ $4.50.

Like the chilli sauce

Then we went Harbourfront Centre jalan jalan.  After that, my mum want to go Heavenly Wang makan.  At first, she wants the macaroni set.  I ask her, is she sure she can finish it as earlier on, she had duck porridge and we also share Indian rojak, I have no room for it if she can't finish it.  In the end, we order large milo ($2.60) to share.

And a chicken ham and cheese thick toast @ $4.20.

Went back home and some rest before going for 5pm Sundays at the Park.

* Instructor photo in Facebook, group photo taken after the workout.


  1. It is raining now and a mini wok soup would be nice for me. Hope the swelling will go down for your mom's feet.

  2. many delicious food picture!!! drooling...

  3. Nice, that fish soup in the mini wok!

  4. Get your mum to stay active. Do some light exercise around the house.

  5. What a long post! Muahahaha I must learn your style.

    I don't believe the doctor that it was due to lack of exercise. It happens to all the old people even those who are active. Somehow when we age, our immunity weakens and the swelling happens often due to the organs weakening too. I used a lot of pure essential oils to treat my parents. Hope your mum will get well soon with plenty of sunshine & water too.
