Friday, January 12, 2018

1st week of 2018

1st Jan (Mon)

It has been a while since I meetup with my old friend, old as in we know each other for many year, and her son.

She and her son wants to visit my mum.  As they are taking MRT, my place is not near to the MRT station and have to take a bus from the interchange to reach my place.  Was telling her, why not we meet at the MRT station food court there. I will have an excuse to bring my mum out as nowadays, my mum doesn't really like to go out, and staying at home, staring at the four walls, is not good for her.

Earlier on, she has WhatsApp me she will be bringing dumpling for my mum.

On the day itself, she WhatsApp the above photo of the dumpling she has made.  She's good at making dumpling.

As she's a health conscious person, she cooks at home and eat before she and her son came out.  We met for drink and chit chat before she went back prepare dinner.

2nd Jan (Tue)

There used to be a Social Worker who visits my mum every week.  Now the Social Worker visits my mum once a month.  Recently, they introduce the Elder-sitting where his colleague will come in on every Tuesday for one hour to engage my mum with some activities like games, story telling, etc.

3rd Jan (Wed)

Starting this year, on every first Wednesday of the month, the Church starts a singing class.  At first, I was thinking, should I go for the singing class or go for workout.  Second thought, there's workout everyday in whole of Singapore whereby singing class, it's only once a month.  If I go  singing class, I can learn some technique in singing and gets to meet new people. So go for the singing class. 

The singing class, 1 1/2 hour.  The teacher spend 1/2 hour explaining A E I O U in which she mention, if we were to learn singing outside, the teacher out there won't tell us much as it's their rice bowl, unless we pay more.  Nobody initial a group picture, so no picture.  After the class, there's light refreshment before everyone makes their way back.

While having refreshment, the Pastor told me they will be visiting my mum the next day.  When back at home, told my mum about it, her reply was scary. (cos she heard the word Pastor)

4th Jan (Thur)

Friend WhatsApp me in the morning that another friend mum's passed away.  The first thing I ask was when is the funeral, so as to make arrangement to go for the wake.  Told friend that Pastor coming to my place to visit my mum, so I can't go down that day.

Two Pastors from the Hokkien Service of the Church and three sisters came visiting my mum and prayed for her.

5th Jan ( Fri)

Went to the wake of the friend whose mum passed away.

While in Church one of the Saturday, a Sister in Christ blessed my mum with a few slice of Ah Ma cake.  After finishing the few slice, my mum was asking me, anymore.  No Ah Ma cake in Bukit Merah Central, but Cheesecake.  So on the way home after going for the wake, drop by the cheesecake shop.  Managed to get a last original cheesecake @ $8.  

Address of the cheesecake.

6th Jan (Sat)

I did not go for the funeral if my friend mum's as bringing my mum to Church.

After Service, as usual went Bukit Merah Central for early dinner.  This round, we went to the Food Centre as it has reopen after the redecoration & renovation/repairs works.

My mum wants fishball kway teow.  Minimum is $3.  Ordered $4 for her.

Most of the stalls are not open yet, so not much variety to choose from.  In the end, I settle for bak ku teh @ $4.50, with a rice @ $0.50, so total is $5.

My mum wants fried kway teow, the fried kway teow is quite popular, with Q's, Q about 15 minutes for it.  $3.

Durian chendol @ $2.20

6th Jan (Sun)

Starts my Sunday morning with Zumba workout.

Went to buy grocery,  before going back, thought of going for a cup of coffee, but saw Ya Kum has new drink, Honey Lemon, so order the hot version @ $2.

In the evening, was hesitating whether to go for Sunday at the Park 5pm to 6pm Zumba workout as I was feeling tired.  Glad I did go as after the workout, I feel refresh, no regrets.

Group photo after the workout


  1. So much good food here during the 1st week of the year !!

  2. Happy weekend Sharon and have another eventful week.

  3. I love that Japanese baked cotton cheesecake - used to by Mitsu's at Cold Storage, Centrepoint. Never tried this one, Meruto.

  4. A fruitful week indeed, Sharon! Nice of your friend who made dumplings for you and your mom..

  5. A good start for the new year! Nice dumplings and Ah Ma cake. Singing, workout and mom keeps you busy!

  6. So much to keep you busy. With your mum, and your activities. Oh my. So many dumplings for you.

  7. 坚持做workout,维持身体健康啊!

  8. I love that you have all sorts of activities there. There's so much care for senior citizens and people's health, physically and mentally. x
