Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Joke of the day

I was suppose to meet a friend from Ipoh who will be arriving at Singapore Changi Airport.  I didn't ask for the flight number, can said I absent minded lah, forgot to ask.  The flight supposed to land at Terminal 4 at around 2.30pm but was delay.  Was what-apping with friend to let me know when the flight is about to take off.  Was then told friend flight will land at pass 4pm.

Since I was early, I went to roam around the Airport till about 3 plus then proceed to Terminal 4.  The first thing I did when in Terminal 4 was to check the screen whether the flight has landed.  No Ipoh, oh no.  Went to check with Information Counter.  Was told Scoots from Ipoh land in Terminal 2.  

Chiam oh, how huh.  Went to check screen again, saw Kuala Lumpur, guess maybe friend flying from Kuala Lumpur, so I just sit there and wait.

Saw AK715 from Kuala Lumpur, 1602 will be at Belt 5. AK 713 from Kuala Lumpur, 1608 will be at Belt 4.  So I sat at Belt 5 there and wait.  Friend flight is in Belt 4.  Next time I must ask for flight number and not take for granted that friend flying in from Ipoh.  Friend took bus from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur and fly in to Singapore.  Heard it's cheaper this way.

Then came the malu incident.  Was telling friend, we can cut cost by taking MRT instead of cab.  While in the MRT, was chatting with friend till didn't realise have reach Bugis Station where friend hotel is situated.  We drop at City Hall and have to travel back to Bugis.

After friend check in Hotel and drop her hand carry luggage, we went for dinner.

Stir fry french bean @ $7.80

Shrimp paste mid-wing chicken @ $8

Was telling friend, would love to join her and her daughter in going Orchard Road, but need to go back as my mum is at home and have to make sure she takes her medication.  So bought a packet of duck rice back for my mum dinner.


  1. look delicious!!! I like fried chicken!

  2. Both of you are the most hilarious friends! We all cannot forget the time when you met at the glass screen inside airport. Muahahaha
    You really make effort to meet everyone!

    1. At least still get to meet through the glass screen, keke...

  3. Mid-wing is good, not fond of the meat in the drummet and the tip has hardly any meat, all skin.

  4. Sharon is the best friend... she will come personally to meet me.

  5. Haha, blur case~
    But still get to meet at last, ok la ;)

    1. At at point of time, have to wait for call if didn't get to meet...

  6. So kind of you to go all the way to meet your friend. I wouldn't laugh at you because I am more blur than you. Ha ha!

  7. It's OK lah, sometimes these things can happen. Important is that you got to meet your friend in the end.

  8. So nice of you to go meet up and taking her to Bugis even though miss a station.. never mind, spent more time together.. hahaaa

  9. 你应该是看到朋友太兴奋了,所以才坐过站。嘿嘿…

  10. Aah ..funny and fond memories created right there, Sharon ;) Wonderful of you to go all the way to meet your friend.
