Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Yong Tau Foo Hotplate with Mi Tai Bak @ Sunset Way

The other time, didn't manage to do much walking due to the sudden heavy downpour, then on another round, saw that the weather is good, decided to walk the Ulu Pandan Park Connector which is near my place, it takes about 15 minutes from my place to the starting point of the Park Connector.  I end up at Sunset Way after about 35 minutes walk.

Was a bit hungry at that point of time, so decided to go makan.

End up at a coffeeshop and ordered  hotplate yong tau foo with mi tai bak @ $4.80.  Guess mi tai bak is not popular as saw the guy took out a container with the mi tai bak in it from the fridge.  As the noodles, bee hoon, etc., it was place at the side where he did the cooking.

After eating, pass by a shop selling chicken pie, the chicken pie is $0.50 more than the hotplate yong tau foo mi tai bak.  I should have walk a round before decide what to eat. Too quick to make decision. If I first saw the chicken pie, I will go for it.

The soup 


  1. For me, I'd prefer hotplate 'yee mee' or rice, hehe!

  2. Mi Tai Bak.. hmmm... looks like those white noodles I call Lai Fun over here... Wonder how it taste like..

  3. Singapore always have nice names for places. Now got Sunset Way like the most famous spot in Los Angeles.

  4. Mi tai bak?? I also think like Claire. Look like the rat's tail noodle.

  5. I m also wondering what is mi tai bak...Is it like minced pork with some gravy on rat tail noodles?

    1. If I got eat mi tai back again, I will take picture of it...

  6. Hmmm Mi Tai Bak...not sure what it is. I prefer chicken pie.

  7. First time heard of mi tai bak. The sauce looks nice, hope you liked it.

  8. Sharon, when it comes to makan, you win hands down. If I need a makan tour in Singapore, I will look for you ..haha
