Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Not a good day/Day 1 in Hospital (23th Nov)

My mum was scheduled for MRI Scan (Brain) at the Hospital (23rd Nov) at 10am.  We arrived early at around 9am.  After waiting a while, my mum was called to change and then go for the scan.  Half way through the scan, a staff came out to ask me whether wants to let me mum proceed with an injection which will better visualise certain areas.  Ok, proceed.  The scan takes around 30 minutes.

After the scan, which is payment time, that is where my heartbeat beats very fast. But luckily got Government subsidy, if not, I will faint at looking at the bill. The injection itself already cost $267.

Ask my mum what she wants to eat, her answer, bread.  We went Ya Kun.

She wants the steam bread set @ $4.50

I order a kaya butter cracker @ $2

While waiting for the bread, my mum was grumbling about the injection, and telling the nurse ok ok, but the nurse told her, not yet finish.

Then we went for second round at the Food Court near the Bus Interchange.  Ordered a Saba fish with chicken @ $6.

Then we went back. Rest a while, then go PPHCSC read newspaper.  Come home, handphone rang.  The call was from the hospital, asking me to bring my mum to the hospital as the scan shows some abnormal, to collect a memo (by the Memory Doctor which my mum seen in September) from the Outpatient Specialist Clinic and then to the Emergency Dept.  
Not too sure what test or whatever they did to my mum.  But my mum was admitted to the Hospital. 

At the ward, a female Doctor came, some communication problem, she can't speak Mandarin, my mum can't speak English.  Then came two male Doctor.  One spoke Mandarin and another spoke Melayu, so can communicate.  Then came the speech therapist wanted to see if my mum has any shallowing problem, etc.

My mum dinner at the Hospital, porridge with minced pumpkin, carrot and tofu.  Fruit is watermelon.

My mum keeps saiding she's wants to go home, a nurse then told her, you just came in. Then she starts blaming me, saiding I ask her to go hospital, if not, she won't be admitted to hospital.

I left at around 7.45pm.


  1. Hope nothing serious. But still, let doctor conducts some tests and let your mum rests in hospital.

    Hope she gets discharged soon. I understand how down she would, to be admitted and stay in the ward. You stay strong and positive, Sharon.

    God bless you and your mum.

    1. It's an early detection, as Doctor were saiding, if she didn't admitted, won't know what will happen the next day or the day after...

  2. Dear Sharon, may your mother get well soon and hope all is well with the scan. May God be with you to give your strength and peace. Take care

    1. She went for another scan and so far ok for the other scan...

  3. I suppose there must be a reason for your mom to be admitted. Home is always the best but let the hospital do the necessary tests first. I am sure your mom will be discharged soon and hope everything will be fine. Take care.

    1. Yes, Doctor already states the reason while she was at the Emergency Dept. waiting for bed...

  4. This is tough period you have to endure when your mum has all the signs of dementia which the patients often soiled themselves, lost memory, gets easily irritated, hungry and starts choking food later on. Please be patient as it can be stressful. Hope everything will be okay soon and your mum will be home.

    1. I bump into an ex colleague at the Hospital, she was telling me, her father has dementia, forgot he has taken medicine, and keep telling the family members, he hasn't taken medicine...

  5. Hope your mum will be OK. Stay strong and pray!

    1. The few days she was at Hospital, quite tiring also as at there whole day.

  6. I'm glad your mom is back home. It must be hectic for you running up and down and worrying about the hospital bill. God bless you, Sharon xx May everything be alright.
