Friday, October 27, 2017

Sunday (22th Oct)

Start my Sunday morning with Zumba workout.  Ever since I started going church on Sunday, I did not attend the session which is ongoing every Sunday morning from 7.15am to 8am. 

It used to be a Chinese female instructor, now it's a Malay female instructor. I reach at around 7.05am, but come to 7.15am, no sight of the instructor, I was wondering will the instructor turn up as previously (we do have a whatsapp group chat where if there is any changes or cancellation, etc., it will be updated in the  whatsapp group chat), there is ever last minute cancellation of the workout.

Finally saw the instructor turn up and start the workout at 7.20am and ends at 8.05am.

Called Auntie Mary to tell her that while going home after the workout, pass by PPHCSC and saw Auntie Alice waiting for the transport to church, where I went to tell her that I won't be going to church as I'm going to my cousin son 1st Birthday celebration.  And that Auntie Lee is there where she take me transparent, and I take her transparent.

Told Auntie Mary before that I won't be going church as cousin son birthday celebration, she said she's also not going church as I'm not going.  The other time, she was asking, I got to get present, of course lah, I can't go empty handed lor, but I didn't buy present, gave ang bao.  Sunday when I called her, ask me I am going.  Of course lah, me and my father siblings, cousins, no bad blood, invite, sure go.

My mum is not going as her mobility is not that good.  Auntie Mary was telling me, I can't leave my mum at home for so long.  So far, ok lah, my mum won't open the door and wander off.

My cousin son birthday celebration from 2pm to 4pm is at his parents (大姑丈and大姑) condo function room.  When I reach the guard post, the security was asking me for my IC, oh dear, I didn't bring my original IC out nowadays unless I need to go places that needs original IC.  I only bring a photocopy of my IC.  He told me, this round, he let me in, next time must bring original IC.  Also told me if I were to be caught by police and I do not have original IC, they will ask me go police station drink kopi.

Thought my cousin and his wife will invite their friends also, but only relatives.

While on the way home, since near my house, there's a neighbourhood police post, thought I will go enquiry what the security told me earlier on.  I was told best is to bring original IC, some people, they might worry they lost the original IC, so didn't bring original IC, but if the photocopy IC is mine, not a big issue.  I won't be ask to go police station to drink kopi. But if want to go places like bank, renew passport, etc. have to bring original IC.


  1. All ladies doing zumba, no guys?

  2. 我也好久沒有跳舞甩汗了…希望很快可以做回!

  3. Muahahaha You and Auntie Lee are both like walking transparent plastic bags. Hey that would be nice to drink free kopi at police station. Here we belanja kopi instead.

    1. If here, I were to belanja kopi, wait I kena makan nasi lemak...

  4. funny reading about Auntie Lee and drink kopi. Enjoy your weekend, Sharon xx Take care!

  5. I lost my ID twice so got phobia to bring out. I bring driving license only. Unless to those places like banks, then I will bring my IC but after done, I keep them in safe place.

    1. Nowadays I bring photocopy one out, unless I need to go places that need IC, then I bring original IC...

  6. So nice of the security guard to let you through. It is good to clarify with the police whether if caught, you get to drink free kopi. Lol!

    1. Previously, I went, they didn't check, now they check..

  7. "where she take me transparent" - does that mean she appeared not to see you? I haven't heard this before!

  8. When I was in Singapore during my last vacation, I was stopped by a guard as well when I tried to enter my friend's condo for a visit. Both my boyfriend and I did not have our passports, so we showed our foreign driver's license and they were okay with it
