Friday, October 6, 2017

Day 5 of Home Improvement Plan (2th Oct)

My mum wants to go to the Food Centre to eat before the workers arrived.

She had lontong @ $2.50

I had tau sau @ $1.70

The workers arrived at around 8.40am.

The other time, I called up CHAS to check if Pioneer Generation is entitled to subsidy for the MRI scan which she was scheduled on November, the answer I got was for MRI Scan, no subsidy.

This round, I called the hospital to check about it, was told that there will be subsidy.  Confusing, CHAS said no subsidy, hospital said got subsidy.  Hmm, shall check with Pioneer Generation Ambassador about it.

Then I went to the nearby Community Centre near my place, there's a St Luke's Elderly Care there. To enquire about the Centre.  The lady only briefly brief me about the admission.  Was told I have to get a referral, can be from Polyclinic, Hospital, and AICare Link, they have to put up to Ministry of Health. She mention if she were to tell me more, I might not absorb and might confused.

Saw a newly open food stall, try out their red wine chicken @ $4, which I find quite salty.

Rice @ $0.50, opening hours are 11.30am to 8.30pm.

At around 5.10pm, 1 of the worker start sweeping the floor (2 of them that day) and than "disappear".  Thought they are done, so I close the door and then can go for my shower.  On second thought, I better don't go for shower first, just in case they "appear", true enough, they appear 15 minutes later and left only at 6pm.


  1. I believe that your mum will get the subsidy. Your government is very good for caring for the elderly citizens. I have many elderly relatives in Singapore and I heard that they got all the subsidies for almost everything including free spectacles & hearing aids too! Kudos to your government.

    1. That what I heard from an Auntie who mention she went to the Medical Social Worker to apply for Financial Assistance for Medical, she went to see doctor, do not have to pay...

  2. I love lontong!!!

  3. When it comes to renovation, it can be very inconvenient and messy.. hope it will be over soon..

  4. Red wine chicken looks ok, if eat with rice I guess will be less salty ba?

    1. The seller was mentioning their taste bud was to the salty side, so the red wine chicken will be on the salty side...

  5. Hope the MRI scan thing info get sorted out soon.

  6. I hope you will get the subsidy. I like lontong and red wine chicken.

  7. I hope you get the subsidy. Everyone needs all the help they can get when it comes to health and medical stuff.
