Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Clearing doubts

Went to ask a Pioneer Generation Ambassador regarding my mum MRI Scan in November, whether there is subsidy, as the other time, I called up CHAS, they mentioned no subsidy, Hospital said got subsidy.  The Pioneer Generation Ambassador was mentioning Hospital is doing the billing, so best to check with Hospital.

And also I was told, don't choose doctor, if choose doctor, no subsidy as it will be taken as private patient.  If you take whichever doctor they give, got subsidy.

As she mention the other time, she went for cataract operation, she wanted to choose doctor, was told she will be charged as private patient if she were to do that, in the end, she didn't choose doctor.

Thought I will make a trip to the Hospital before going to the supermarket to get my grocery.  Went to the radiology department to make the enquiry.  Was told that there is subsidy for Pioneer Generation Card.  But no subsidy for the Health Assist Card.  Health Assist Card can only be used in the Clinic. As for how many percent subsidy, she's not too sure as the system will do the calculation.

After that, went to AICare Link.  The Social Worker was telling me can go apply for Day Care Service for my mum.  But AICare Link was saiding have to wait for doctor diagonsis, if my mum is diagnose with dementia, Doctor have to put up a report. Now no diagnosis yet.  Hmm, the Social Worker gave me wrong information.  Didn't know that Day Care Centre also need to have referral from Doctor, all the while, I thought Day Care Centre do not need any referral.

The lady was asking if I need transport, yes, I do need transport for my mum  She was mentioning, if no need transport, the waiting time for the Care Centre will be shorter.

After that, went IMM Giant buy grocery.  Since this round, I bought bathroom tissue, on the way back, need to pass by Hospital before proceed to Interchange to catch a bus back.  So went to Han's drink coffee.

Mouth itchy, ordered a Apple Crumple @ $2.80 to eat.

And a coffee @ $1.80


  1. Hope you got the subsidy. Medical care can be so expensive these days especially at private hospitals.

  2. Apple crumble looks good. Happy birthday buddy.

  3. My mouth and hands are itchy for Apple Crumbles.

  4. The apple crumble and a coffee is what I need now!

  5. The apple crumble would be very nice with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

  6. Gosh. All the information like in a cycle. Spinning around. Make you confuse. I also confuse. Haha.

  7. Gosh. All the information like in a cycle. Spinning around. Make you confuse. I also confuse. Haha.

  8. After all that, my mouth also will be itching for apple crumble la ..haha!
