Friday, October 20, 2017

A date with a female doctor

During the Home Improvement Plan period, the skin around my breast develop rashes.  I thought it will go off, but it did not. So I thought I will go see doctor after the Home Improvement Plan finish.

I did not go to the General Practitioner that my mum see as he's a male doctor.  Beside, the fee will make you jump.

It has been a long time since I last see doctor.  Went to Jurong Polyclinic, I understand that nowadays, polyclinic accept making appointment prior to seeing doctor.  But I did not, want to see if the waiting time is as long as donkeys years back when I went.

When arrive at the Polyclinic, scan my Identify Card, take a number, wait for the number to be called.  The staff ask what's my problem, told her rashes around the breast area, she ask me, female doctor, yes, I want a female doctor.  Then take a number, proceed to the waiting area to see doctor. Whole process from registration to seeing doctor, takes me 2 hours.

After seeing doctor, proceed to the pharmacy, take number, wait for number to be called to collect medicine.  After taking medicine, proceed to payment area, take number again, wait for number to be called to make payment. Time taken, 1 hour.

Was given a cream, clotrimazole cream

And a powder, minazol powder

From the label, then I realise that it's fungal rash, thought it's just rashes.

Cost of seeing doctor and the medicine $17.12.

Consultation fee for Singaporean is $13.20.  Saw also that consultation fee for child/elderly is $6.80.  As for the clotrimazole cream, it's a standard item, cost is $2, Government Subsidy $1.50, so payable amount is $0.50.   As for the minazol powder, it's non standard item, cost is $3.42.


  1. Hope all will be ok after this.

  2. Fungal rashes are very common with all of us where our bodies often sweated. The bacteria would slowly cause rashes when the sweat was not being wiped away. The common areas are between toes, underwear lining and under garment areas that would 'press' our sweats. I had suffered enough of this until today as they caused painful skin tears. So I used Dermovate cream to treat any type of my skin problem. The pharmacist would discourage me as Dermovate is the strongest on their shelves. I still use them as the problems go away faster. Me happy!

    1. Guess cos of the hot weather, I sweat and also during HIP, not convenient to do laundry, I repeat my clothes...

  3. Hope that the rashes will go away after you have applied the cream and powder.

  4. Yeah, hope the medicine works for you.. meanwhile keep the area dry..

  5. Fugal rashes quite common in hot weather, especially when we sweat a lot. Hope the rashes will go away soon.

  6. Must be the dust or the weather. Lately I also had itchiness on my breast. Quite annoying but thank god it has gone.

    1. I guess also due to inconvenient to do laundry, I repeat my clothes...

  7. Hope it goes away soon, Sharon. Take care xx

  8. hope it goes away...take care!

  9. How come payment still need to take number? Can just go to the self-service kiosk.

    1. The self-service kiosk at that time when I wanna make payment, long Q...

  10. Hope you are getting better and take care of yourself
