Thursday, July 20, 2017

Roasted Duck Rice

I wanted to go to the supermarket at Jurong Point to buy my grocery, but ended up at Taman Jurong.  So was at the Food Centre looking around what to eat.

Has been quite sometimes since i went to Taman Jurong Food Centre.  The other time, i was there, this stall has long Q, no, i didn't Q for the foods at that time.

This stall sells Roasted Meat, Char Siew, Roasted Duck, Chicken, etc.  Since only a few person in the Q, i thought i will try out this stall.  At first, i was undecided on what to eat, saw those in front of me, some ordered Roasted Duck, so decided on Roasted Duck Rice.

At first, i thought it's $3.50 as saw from the sign $3.50, i gave the lady $10, she gave me back the change of $4 (I tabao back a packet of Chicken Rice for my mum), so it's $3 for the Roast Duck Rice.  For me, find it's nothing special from any other stall selling Roasted Duck, don't think i will Q for it the next round if i am in the vicinity and there's a Q.


  1. Now I am craving for a nice roasted duck rice. Lol.

  2. I seldom eat roasted duck rice as most stalls over here don't sell good ones. they smell and soggy sometimes. I would enjoy those HKG styled ones which is crispy honey type.

    1. Now you are making me crave for the HKG styled duck, hehe...

  3. My top choice will be roasted duck, followed by bbq pork or roasted pork. Have a great day!

  4. Pity it's not so special for you.

  5. I love roasted duck rice. Must go eat one day.

    1. Look forward to see the roasted duck rice you makan, hehe...

  6. You can try the Feng Zheng Lor Mee there next time if you like Lor Mee. I heard the 58 Bak Chor Mee also good but I have yet to try.

    Haven't been to Taman Jurong for a long time.

    1. The Lor Mee, i have tried before, the 58 Bak Chor Mee, must go look for it, the next round if i go there...

  7. drooolingggggg!!!! I want a plate too!!! it has been ages since I eat roasted duck.

  8. Duck again? Hah! I think you and my hubs can become good makan friends.
