Friday, June 9, 2017

Random Post

25th May

The Chairman of the RC and his wife have been asking me to go Meet-the-People Session (MPS), talk about my mum, my area, MPS is on every Thursday, 7.30pm to 9.30pm.  I was like huh, go there for what, said what. I was hesitating, but in the end, I decided to go.

When I was there, the Chairman was there, his wife is away for Holiday.

So I register, under my mum name.  When it was my turn, the helper ask me, what help do I need.  Reply I do not know what to said as it's the RC Chairman who ask me to come.  Just then, the RC Chairman came and do the talking.

In the end, I did not see the MP, only the helper.  And was told my mum will get food pack, inside will have items like, biscuit, oat, Milo, canned food, etc, not too sure if it's once a month or what, will have to wait for the Community Centre to call.

29th May

The Social Worker came again on 29th May, usually, he will come at 2.30pm.  The previous week, the Manager of PPH Mr A was asking me when the Social Worker is coming as he wants to meet the Social Worker.  I text the Social Worker and mention to him about it.  He later called the Manager Mr A and I was told by the Social Worker that Mr A wanted to hand over the case to Mr L, the new incoming PPH Manager.  Mr A was leaving for another assignment.  But on the day the Social Worker came, Mr A and Mr L did not get to meet the Social Worker as  they have something to attend to.

7th Jun

Bump into Uncle Choo wife on Tuesday, while talking, she mentioned Uncle Choo was hospitalized, but she doesn't know which ward and bed he was in.  She have to ask the younger son.  So I thought I will go to the hospital the next day, which is 7th June, if I could find out his ward and bed no., I will visit him, if not, no choice liao.  Went to the Visitors Registration Counter.  I told the staff, I do not know the full name of Uncle Choo, neither do I know his ward and bed number.  I quoted his Block no., they managed to find out for me and off I go, visit Uncle Choo.  When I reach the Ward and then the Bed, I was in a shock, how come it's the son.  The son seen me before in PPH.  He told me his father was in another ward.  Father and son was hospitalized.  Speedy recovery to them and that they can discharge soon.


  1. Wow~! That was a shock and funny thing to see the son instead. Hope the 2 Choos will recover soon. You should calm and assure Mrs Choo who must be very worried now.

    1. I never expected the younger Choo to be hospitalized, so was shock when see him as I expect to see the older Choo.

      So far, I have not bump into Mrs Choo since bump into her last Tue. Heard the older Choo mention his wife hardly come downstairs...

  2. Yeah, hope the father and son will recover soon.. so nice of you to go visit them..

    1. Lucky manage to find out the Ward and Bed No., If not won't be able to visit them...

  3. So nice of you to make time to visit the Choos. I hope you will get all the help that are being offered to you and your mom.

  4. Oh dear! Both father and son in the hospital! Hope they get well soon and all goes well with you too. Cheers!!!

    1. Never expected both of them to be in the hospital...

  5. Speedy recovery to father and son.

  6. Hope they are both better now. You have such a beautiful heart, Sharon! ^.^
