Monday, June 5, 2017

A tiring Sunday (28th May)

My mum woke me up at 5am.  Only to realise she has soil and I had to clear up the mess and help her to shower before the time come to go wait for the transport to Church. 

It so happen an auntie who went church recently, she came to wait for the transport, we start to chit chat, she mention she's staying with the younger son, she has two son and one daughter, and the younger son had a 17 year old daughter, the wife walk off after the birth of the daughter and she has been taking care of the granddaughter since then till now.

As usual, the refreshment after the services, bread with curry potato filling and another item, the filling is sausage.

Pandan Chiffon Cake

Again, my mum wanted to go Seah Im Food Centre for lunch.  She had the fish soup, ordered $5 for her and a bowl of rice at $0.50.

The other time, I had the chicken rice with sambal, this round, had the chicken rice, Ayam Penyet @ $5.

The chicken, find it a bit cold, will be nicer if it's hotter.  Guess due to fasting month, fewer customers, so the chicken has been there for a while.

The chilli sauce

The rice, not very oily

There's a stall selling Fried Kway Teow,  my mum wants it, so ordered a plate @ $3 to share.

Walked one round in Harbourfront and end up in McDonald's where my mum wants coffee.  There's a McCafe there.  Saw that muffin set is $4.95, which is a muffin with a small cup of cappuccino. Cappuccino, if ala carte is $3.  Muffin, if ala carte is $3.45.

Chocolate chip muffin

Earlier on, I bump into the Uncle, the one who I mention before he was going for the Senior Friendship breakfast on the 3rd Sunday of the month, now I know, he's Uncle Choo, he told me that there's a free dinner at Ang Chee Sia Ong Temple for Seniors and ask me to get tickets from the RC for my mum.  So I manage to get a ticket for my mum and was told that's transport provided to bring the Seniors to and back.  On the day itself, my mum said she didn't want to go.  So as usual, I went for the 5pn to 6pm workout.  When I reach home, my home phone rang.  Picked up the phone, it was the Grassroots Leader who called, she asked me, how come I didn't bring my mum to the pickup point to take the transport.  Reply, my mum doesn't want to go as she was alone.  So the Grassroots Leader ask me to bring my mum go so as not to waste the ticket and she will squeeze in a seat for me and ask me to called her when I reached and she will bring me and my mum to the seats.  Had a quick shower and then change before bringing my mum to the venue.  So I become a few hours Seniors for that night.  Reached home around 10.40pm.  And it was time to call it a night.


  1. You have been so busy running around the places. Just enjoy the moments you have with your mum. Time flies fast.

    1. Lucky manage to have a short rest in the afternoon...

  2. Ayam penyet looks good. Your kway teow there so broad one kah? Nice chiffon cake - we can't buy that to buy anymore, not gluten free. :(

    1. Actually not bad, maybe fasting month, so not much customer, and guess they fried quite a number of it, and it turn out cold...

      Ya, the Kway Teow here broad...

  3. Your schedule was very tight. I would have been very stressed up.

  4. Long time did not have ayam penyet rice. Now it is Ramadhan and most Malay stalls close during the days. Cannot go indulge myself in Malay food. I havent really been to a Ramadhan bazaar but did to one indoor in UTC when I did kids' passports over the weekend. First time browsing through Ramadhan food stalls indoor with aircon. Haha.

    1. I managed to go to one at Jurong West, hope able to go to the one at Geylang Serai and Beach Road before it's end...

  5. A lot of yummy food, I am missing the fried koay teow.. and I like the cute face on the coffee... :)

    1. I also like the cute face on the coffee, can't bear to drink it, but still have to drink it, hehe...

  6. Long time did not have ayam penyet rice. Now it is Ramadhan and most Malay stalls close during the days. Cannot go indulge myself in Malay food. I havent really been to a Ramadhan bazaar but did to one indoor in UTC when I did kids' passports over the weekend. First time browsing through Ramadhan food stalls indoor with aircon. Haha.

    1. I managed to go one at Jurong West, hope able to go to the one at Geylang Serai and Beach Road before it's end...

  7. The char koay teow looks good. The face on the coffee looks like an angry bird. Lol! It can be very tiring and stressful for you looking after your mum. May God grant you the patience, peace, love and strength for each new day.

    1. The lady selling the fried koay teow has been there for a long time...

  8. The coffee looks so cute!
    Sharon, you are such a kind and patient daughter. I hope you find time for yourself to re-energise.
