Monday, May 1, 2017

Char Siew Roasted Meat Rice

Archive Photo - I ever tried the foods at this stall in a Coffeeshop at Jurong West, and find that their foods are not bad, I was craving for Roasted Meat, so was there to have the Roasted Meat to satisfy my craving.

Since I have slight cough, I avoided eating Chicken, so ordered Char Siew with Roasted Meat @ $4.

It comes with a bowl of soup


  1. Oh? Can't eat chicken when one has a cough? Didn't know that. I heard no prawns when one has a flu.

  2. 看到我都流口水了啊!(ˉ﹃ˉ)

    1. Too bad not near my place, if not, can patron more often, hehe...

  3. Oooo. Looked good.

    Me cough or not, I still eat chicken and egg. Haha. Thats why take so long to heal properly.

  4. Hope you are feeling better Sharon.

  5. Yes you are correct that chicken is not good for coughs while pineapples are good to cure coughs!

    I realised that Singapore has many stalls selling very delicious char siew and roasted pork nowadays.
