Monday, May 8, 2017

A Hectic Day

Started the day by bringing my mum to PPH Community Services Centre for the weekly Friday Breakfast Session.

As we were early, the door were not open yet, we waited outside, saw a cat there, so took picture of it.

Had milo

Understand usually the porridge, it's order from outside, this round, the porridge is cooked by a staff from PPH CSC.

This week, it's vegetarian bee hoon, with youtiao.

As it's the first Friday of the month, they celebrate the Birthday for those born in May.  Same cake as last month, Mango Cake.

I mention in an earlier post about my mum incident in the church while going for the Seniors Party at the Church.  Guess the Church has mention about it to the PPH Community Services Centre.  As a few days later after the incident, two staffs from the Community Services Centre came to visit my mum to discuss about referring her to Social Worker.  For me, I am ok with it.  So they went ahead and process it.  A week later, the Social Worker called up and made an appointment to visit her on last Friday at 10.30am.

After the Birthday celebration at the PPH Community Services Centre, they played Bingo, can only play 1 round, then bring my mum home to wait for the arrival of the Social Worker.

The Social Worker came and talk to my mum, some questionnaire for her to answer (no right or wrong answer).  The visit took about 1 1/2 hours.

Earlier on, at PPH Community Services Centre, an auntie commented that my mum hair needs a haircut and ask me to bring her for the haircut.  After the Social Worker left, I had a short rest before bringing my mum to Jurong East Central for a haircut.

Coincidence, bumped into a Church friend father (my mum also know the father), whom I have not seem for a long time. He's going to the Shopping Centre there jalan jalan.  He mention that his wife had a fall and was hospitalization for 6 days and is now at home.  He wanted to buy my mum coffee (of course, if to go for coffee, I can't let Uncle treat also, paiseh), as my mum is going for haircut, so we didn't go for coffee and parted our way. 

After my mum haircut, we went to makan, I had kway chap, the chap @ $0.50.

The ingredients @ $3.30

After makan, we went home and I called my Zumba kaki.  Her mum was hospitalize, ask her if I could visit her mum the next day (Sat), she mention her mum is very weak and not advisable.

Rested till it's time to go for my workout at the Neighbourhood Park before calling it a day after the workout.

This morning, I WhatsApp my Zumba Kaki asking her how's her mum, at the moment, I won't get to see her as she need to take care of her mum.


  1. Looks like going to PPH is a regular affair for you and your mum, which is good. Hope your friend's mum recovers soon.

  2. It is good that you are able to accompany your mom to PPH to meet her friends.

  3. How nice to be surrounded by caring people, Sharon! Mom is blessed to have all of you! :)

    Praying for your friend's mum's recovery.

    1. I feel for her .. it is worrying..

    2. When I first ask her about her mum age, she told me 95, I was, like, wow, me, I also do not know if I can live to that age...

    3. Waaa... steady ohh. I think 70 is enough for me!! ^.^

  4. hope she can spend more time with her mum now :)

  5. Cake looks like the one I had - post day after tomorrow.

  6. Keep up the good work Sharon and you take care of yourself too.

  7. Good daughter, Sharon.. taking your mom go jalan-jalan makan-makan too..50 cents for koay chap is cheap..

    1. Better than she sit at home, staring at the four walls...

  8. Does your mum have to pay to use the centre? I assume you both have to pay for food? Care for the elderly is a big issue here in the UK at the moment

    1. The breakfast for the residents on Friday, do not have to pay for it...

  9. Hardly find kuey chap here in Taiping... I only have it when I go Thailand.

  10. We need to have this PPH in our country to cater for many lonely and bored senior citizens.

  11. Hope some kind souls in your country will come up with a centre to cater to this category of people...
