Thursday, March 23, 2017

Yong Tau Foo with Chee Cheong Fun & Century Egg Porridge

Saw a new Yong Tau Foo stall and told my mum about it, she was keen to try it out as she's a Yong Tau Foo fan.  Some places, customers will choose the ingredients they want, but not for this stall.  My mum had the Yong Tau Foo with Kway Teow, which i didn't take picture of it.  Saw that they have Yong Tau Foo with Chee Cheong Fun, so i had it.  $3 for the above bowl.

Saw a dim sum stall selling Century Egg porridge, there's a bit of minced meat inside also, ordered a bowl to share with my mum @ $2.30.


  1. Interesting. First time I see CCF and YTF eaten together.

    1. There's a stall at Johor which i ever went to eat long time ago, also they serve CCF with YTF...

  2. I like Yong Tau Foo in soup.

  3. I like the century egg porridge. The CCF looks very plain.

  4. Hey bro... remember ur blog abt the kopi jantan. Can share where u get it? Interested to give it a try. Hear from u soon.. 😁

  5. 我最喜歡點甜醬的呢!好好吃!:D

  6. Nice comfort food. I just had porridge this morning. Not a fan of century egg. Haha.

  7. Very small portion, just nice for me! :)

  8. Sharon, besides walking, you are the queen of eating too ^.^ I know who to look for if I go to Singapore for a holiday.
