Friday, February 17, 2017

Pontian (12th Feb)

After leaving 平台咖啡馆, M has something on, so left C and me.  C mention about a park which is about 20 minutes drive and ask me if I am in a hurry, I said no, and since we are in the vicinity, might as well make a trip there.

(1) At first, we arrive at a beach, but this is not the place that C has wanted to bring me to.  So she made a phone call to her friend and ask her friend who direct her to the correct place. Bicycle for rent.

(2) Beach

(3) Saw a satay stall in preparation for business, seats for dining

(4) Random picture while C on the phone with her friend

(5) This is the place that C has mention

(6) The beach

(7) The place should be quite nice at night

(8) Quite quiet as didn't see many people




(12) At first C mention drive me to the Bus Station at Giant to take Causeway Link back to Singapore.  I mention to her,  wonder if Causeway Link from Giant will stop at Gelang Patah Terminal, before proceed to Singapore.  In the end, I was at Gelang Patah Terminal taking the bus back to Singapore.

(13) Causeway Link Counter

(14)  The place also sell foods, but see most of the stalls are closed

(15) Trip from Gelang Petah to Singapore Jurong East Interchange cost RM4.  The trip from Gelang Patah Terminal to Malaysia Immigration is not very far.  There's a bit of jam at the bridge from Malaysia to Tuas Checkpoint.  I reach Gelang Patah Terminal at 6pm, the bus left the Terminal at 6.15pm, clearing Malaysia and Singapore Immigration, waiting for the bus, etc, and the time I reach home, it's already 8pm. 


  1. I only pass by Johor on my way to and from Singapore. One day must really visit Johor.

    1. Maybe can arrange with Claire, when she goes Johor, visit Johor with her...

  2. You went to Pontian? Claire was there, had the mee...looks like Sibu kampua mee.

  3. Nice sight seeing with your friend.

  4. You know better than the locals.. I for one do not know where is where... I just follow the leader...

  5. 真的沒有什麽人潮,不過卻很適合吹海風呢

  6. Look at the weather during your trip.. So cooling and fresh. No sunlight.

    1. Halfway thr when going back, the weather become sunny... hehe...

  7. I am impressed with the town of Pontian. It used to be so remote and undeveloped 20 years ago. Now it is interesting enough to attract Singaporeans.

    1. If not for my friend, I will not have know how to come to this place...

  8. What a nice place. I like the scenery here. The bikes are cute!
