Thursday, February 9, 2017

A day at Little India

Thaipusam is a festival celebrated in Singapore, but it IS NOT a Public Holiday in Singapore.  My mum, who has not been well recently, didn't go out for sometimes, so when she said wanted to go out, I was thinking, better to go on a weekday than weekend as usually weekend, places are crowded and also of her weaken leg.  It so happen Thaipusam is on 9th Feb, so bring her go Little India walk walk and see see.

(1) She has been craving for kambing soup , my place there, the India stall, they did not have it, so when we are in Little India, am sure the Food Centre there, they do sell it,  so we went there looking for kambing soup.  Saw a few stalls selling it, only do not know what stall is nicer. First thing first, find seat first.  The stall nearest to our table, they do sell it and the guy came over to ask us, so we ordered from the stall.  My mum wanted bread to goes with the kambing soup, bread is at $0.50.

(2) Kamping Soup @ $5

(3) The kambing

(4) My mum  saw the rojak stall and wanted to eat rojak, dare not order much as worry might not finish all.  Ordered a tau kwa, potato, and a egg wrap with flour.  Total  cost is $2.10.  Did not have the time to arrange nicely and take picture as my mum will be quick to take the food and eat.

(5) Went to watch Thaipusam for a while, can't vendor far and didn't stay long for Thaipusam as with elderly, my walking will be limited. Above is water point.

(6) One of the devotee carrying kavadis

(7) Walk around and saw banana

(8) Coconut

(9) Saw devotees using this to carry milk for Thaipusam

(10) Devotees carrying pot of milk

(11) Devotee carrying Kavadis

(12) Another angle

(13) Water point

(14) Devotee carrying kavadis

(15) Devotees

(16) Then my mum wanted to have a drink, so we walk around and saw a place where she can sit and have coffee, coffee @$1.20.

(17) Music area


  1. So nice of you to take your mom out for makan and walk. Looks like an interesting day for both of you too...

  2. Can be very boring for elderly to stay too long in the house. It is good to take her out for short time to look see and have something to eat and drink. Thaipusam is a holiday here and it is very crowded in town.

    1. Understand that Batu Cave is crowded if not wrong...

      Have to get them to go out also, not so good for them also to keep staying at home...

  3. Oh I didn't know that Thaipusam is not a public holiday in Singapore! However it is only a public holiday in certain states of Malaysia only.

    1. If you didn't mention, I will have thought it is a Public Holiday in the whole of Malaysia...

  4. I am sorry to hear that your mum's legs are weak sometimes. Can I suggest that you ask your mother to soak her whole body into really hot water often to relax all her circulations and joints? This the reason the hot spring onsen is so popular with the very old Japanese people and helps their limbs to walk & move through old age. I went there and soaked for 3 nights until all my old aches on the feet and knees gone as the minerals in the hot water help while my constant massage could not help at all. I believe the hot water soaking could help the whole line of nerves and arteries at once.
    If cannot find a bath tub to soak her, just buy a deep bucket to soak both her legs twice daily from her knees down to her feet.

    1. Thanks for the advise :) Shall get a deep bucket, as if I ask her to soak her whole body into really hot water often, I don't think she will want that, maybe for a start, deep bucket first...

  5. Oh, what a nice walk with mum. Thaipusam is really interesting. I have yet to see a kavadi bearer up close!

    1. Only that I have yet to go to the temple where they start the walk...
