Friday, December 30, 2016

Gallop Stables @ Punggol End (25th Dec)

My friend booked chalet for her family at Gallop Stables @ Punggol End.  Suppose to meet friends at the reception at 2pm for check in.  But my friends only arrived at 2.30pm.  Instead of sitting down, i thought i will go walk walk.  I been here once, that was in 2014.  Didn't take much picture since i been there before once.

(1) Since it's Christmas, the horse was decorated in Christmas theme

(2) Christmas decoration

(3) The walking path

(4) Inside are rooms

(5) Trees

(6) Karaoke ship

(7) Saw a horse

(8) Inside the room

(9) Beside this bed, there's another double bed, but as my friend B daughter was sitting there, i didn't take the picture of the double bed.

(10) Decoration in the wall

(11) Decoration in the wall

Gallop STABLES Punggol
Location 900 Punggol Road Singapore 829168
Tel : 6690 0900
Email :
Website :

Joke of the day : I didn't stay overnight, i went back on that night after the party.  Punggol MRT Station, there's LRT, which is aboveground, and MRT which is underground.  I was suppose to take the MRT, don't know why, i went to take the up-riding escalator, only to realise halfway through, oh, LRT above, and i have to turn back and take the escalator to the ground floor and then the down-riding escalator to the MRT.

Happy New Year 2017


  1. Interesting place to stay. Happy New Year

  2. Good Morning Zumba Queen!

    I noticed that your island has several places with unique chalets. They are popular with the folks and my cousins who wanted to have private fun with friends there.

  3. I think you were drunk and tipsy that night to walk up the escalator like a blurr sotong. Wakakakaka

  4. Sharon by all means, thank you for your support and friendship all these years... Happy New Year and may 2017 bring lots of happiness to you and your family members. So hope to see you if you are planning to come over Taiping. Looking forward to it ya.

    1. Angeline, i also wanna thank you for your support and friendship all these years...

      Happy New Year 2017 to you and your family...

      Look forward to meet you and your kids one of these days... :)

  5. What place is that? Makan Makan, see the name, I like already! :D

  6. LOL! Anyway, Happy New Year 2017, Sharon!

  7. Nice surrounding, Sharon! Happy New Year!

  8. Looks like a lovely place to stay. Good thing you realized and found the right way! Happy new year!

    1. Too bad not enough time to explore the surrounding... Happy New Year Nancy...

  9. 新年快樂!希望2017也是美好的一年!加油!

  10. What a nice place to visit, Sharon. Why didn't you stay overnight? ^.^
