Monday, December 19, 2016


Sometimes back, my friend whatsapp me the above and ask me whether if i want to attend the Zumba Party at Cashew Community Centre and she could help me to get the ticket as she's staying near there. So i reply her ok.

After that, i just did not think about it since my friend is going to get the ticket and i also didn't ask her if she has got the ticket.  On the day itself, my friend called me up in the morning and told me that that day itself is the Zumba Party, she herself have forgotten about it too as she's busy with her work till another friend of her who's going ask her about it.  I was like oh, i didn't realise about it as i didn't keep track of the day since i have already entrust her with the buying of the ticket.  Since i am just back from the Zumba session near my place and to go to the Zumba Party, i need time to pack my bag, change and travel there, and might not made it in time, i didn't go. 

Guess age coming up, me tends to forget this and that.


  1. Oh dear! I guess everyone too busy and forgot about this.

    I would usually add reminder in my phone calendar to remind me of something or events. ^^

    1. I have a pocket size diary, but i didn't write it down...

  2. It is quite easy to forget when you have many things to do.

  3. Good Afternoon Young Lady! How can ypu claim to be forgetful when you are still in your youths?

    BTW the weather is so hot today!! LOL

    1. Good morning TM...

      The weather is so hot now...

      Thank you for mentioning that i am in my youths, haha...

  4. There are too many things to remember that our brains cannot hold them all. That's why I need to write them on "post stick" papers or on my wall of reminders diary. If you think memory is failing, you can start eating gingko biloba supplements.

  5. So nice of the community to hold parties every now and then... I am like you, forgetful.. I think worse than you.. hahaaha..

  6. Oh dear!!! I always key in reminders on my handphone - the day before anything AND on the day itself so I will never ever forget.

  7. 健忘,我現在就很健忘一下了…>_<

  8. It happens to everyone now and then so don't worry about it.

  9. I know I am very forgetful so I use my phone reminder. Even with the reminder, sometimes I forget too!

  10. ..I can understand. Your friend also didn't say she got the tickets!

    1. Since i already reply ok, i trust her, so i also didn't remember the date of the event...
