Monday, November 21, 2016

Kopi Jantan

Near my place, there's this Halal coffeeshop, beside the normal coffee which they sell at $1 a cup, they also sell packet coffee, which i saw is called Kopi Jantan, i ever tried the Kopi Jantan @ $1.50 a cup and find that i like it, usually it's a young lady who man the counter, then there's a day, i was there and this round, it's an older lady who is manning the counter, i told her, i want a cup of Kopi Jantan, she reply me, Kopi Jantan is for Jantan to drink, are you sure you want it, i reply yes, she look at me.  Maybe she must be thinking, i am a female, why want to drink Kopi Jantan, haha....


  1. Eeeeeeee....if I am not wrong, it is one of those with tongkat ali and what not, supposed to make men strong like a lion. I've seen those in Malay shops, never ordered - dunno what they have inside, thank you very much.

    1. Ohhh, if you didn't tell me, i didn't know about it... Heard you mention about it, think i won't dare to drink it again, next round if i am there, will have the normal coffee...

  2. Hahahaha, what's the taste different than the normal one?

    1. They also have kopi kambing, my mum tried it before, i had a slip of it, don't quite like the taste, kopi jantan nicer, hehe...

  3. Oh, first time I heard of Jantan coffee.. so was it nice?

  4. LOL! I have heard of kopi jantan but never tried lah. I think if female dink also it is not a problem.

  5. Muahahahahaha LOLOL. You made me laugh so hard, I fell on the floor.

  6. Good Afternoon Kopi Jantan Customer!

    The weather is warm today but cloudy. Hope it will rain soon.

  7. There are several brands of Kopi Jantan in Malaysia but they are not very popular. You might want to try the Kopi Jantan Power X-tra! Your nose might bleed after that. Wakakakaka

  8. Kopi Jantan = kopi with tongkat ali. Viagra like herbs. Guys drink it to get their ---- strong at night wahahaha!

  9. My parents lieve in Singapore.
    Me, myself I have never been there.
    I would like to drink a caup of coffee in Singapore once.

    Kind regards,

  10. Eeerrr. Kopi Jantam for men only? Some kind of gimmick?

    What the difference with normal coffee?looked like milked coffee.

    1. That's what the counter lady mention...

      Find it nicer than the normal coffee...

  11. I have seen kopi jantan but never tried it. Next, they may come up with kopi betina version.

  12. 很特別的咖啡!哈哈哈哈哈…

  13. Wer is tis sumwer? Can share?
