Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Brizo @ Park Hotel

Friend sign up for membership at Park Hotel, which entitle friend for discount card at the eatery place. We were suppose to go there one of the Sunday (3rd round) as friend has a complimentary voucher for cocktail but since it close at 9pm and beside, that day, they have a wedding banquet going on, if ordering foods, have to wait for quite sometimes, that what my friend was told when friend called up the Hotel.  We postpone the date, suppose to go there on a Monday, a day before my Birthday, but on Monday, it's my workout day, so we went on my actual date.

(1) Didn't take much picture of the surrounding as it was raining heavily that night, only the eatery place is sheltered, and the outdoor area is a swimming pool.

(2) Ordered fried rice, no price as it's a treat from friend for my birthday, we find that the fried rice so so only.

(3) Ordered a curry chicken, not bad

(4) It comes with steamed rice or roti prata, we choose roti prata as already ordered fried rice, suppose to have two piece of roti prata, i was too slow in taking picture, my friend took the other piece of roti prata before i could take picture.

(5) Ordered a dozen of satay, they have mutton, beef, chicken, my friend don't take mutton and beef, so the dozen of satay, it's chicken, loves the satay.

(6) We didn't used the complimentary voucher as the weather was cold that night due to the heavy rain, we ordered hot drink, i had latte.

(7) After the dinner, we proceed to The Central, i was more interested in cake than in ice cream, but friend is more interested in ice cream than in cake, so we went 320 Below.

Since my friend is the 'boss", i let my friend do the ordering, we had Cempedak ($5.80) (Left) and Thai Coconut ($5.80) (Right).

320 Below
6 Eu Tong Sen Street
The Central #01-27 Singapore 059817
Tel : 6221 6272

(8) My friend got me a cake, Paradiso Portion Cake ($6.90) from Swiss-Bake.

Swiss-Bake Pte Ltd
6 Eu Tong Sen Street
The Central #01-53
Singapore 059817

(9) A good news to share, my cousin post on FB on the arrival of his 3rd child - a baby boy, and  Whatsapp me the above picture of his baby boy.


  1. Fried rice only so so? Not surprised, usually the case with hotel food - nice but not all that great. Congrats to your cousin, cute baby!

    1. Nothing to shout about, so so only, the fried rice...

      Thanks on behalf of my cousin...

  2. Congrats to your friend for his baby boy! But ah... is it okay to share his baby boy's picture in your blog ah? Won't he get mad about things like infringing on his privacy or what?

    1. It's my cousin baby boy, not my friend baby boy...

      Thanks on behalf of my cousin...

      He has shared about the baby in Facebook also...

  3. Good Morning to you Birthday Queen!

    You are blessed to have a good friend to treat you. I have no friends to celebrate my birthday now.

    1. Good morning TM...

      Old time friend, known many many year liao...

  4. The Paradiso Portion Cake is very heavenly and nice. I love that type of melting chocolate in my mouth.

  5. Happy Birthday, Sharon! Quite a nice celebration you had with your friend to makan-makan. Your cousin's baby is so cute!

    1. Thank you Phong Hong for the wishes and the compliment of my cousin baby... :)

  6. That was a nice birthday treat from your friend. Food may be so so but it is the thoughts and friendship that warm your heart. Happy belated birthday, my dear friend.

    Ice cream. Interesting flavours your friend choosen.

    Congrats to your cousin on the new baby.

    1. Thank you for the well-wishes... And most important is the fellowship...

      For me, most flavours i eat, so let my friend choose...

      Thank you on behalf of my cousin...

  7. cempedak口味我有吃過!很讚!

  8. I want i cream LOL..

    Congratulation to your cousin :)

    1. Come, come Singapore... hehe...

      Thank you on behalf of cousin...

  9. Happy birthday, Sharon! Such a good treat from your friend. I love satay and cempedak ice cream! Congrats to your cousin!

    1. Thank you for your well-wishes... Satay is also my favourite, hehe....

      Thanks on behalf of my cousin...

  10. Happy Birthday, Sharon! Nice to see that you enjoyed your day with yummy food and lovely company. The cake looks amazing. ^.^

    1. Thank you for your well-wishes Sharon... Most important is the company, hehe...
