Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Pang Sua Park Connector

It's walking time again!!!

(1) On the right after i enter the Pang Sua Park Connector, the building on my right is Junction 10.

(2) Canal

(3) After walking for a while, saw a plot of land being used for gardening, i was excited when i saw it that i went to take a look at what plant they have, saw Roselle Plant.

(4) Saw this, looks like bean to me, but not too sure what's the name

(5) Saw this quite often, but also not sure what's the name

(6) Saw this flower quite often at places selling plants

(7) Vegetables that is grown there

(8) Wish i have a plot of land where i can learn to plant some plants myself

(9) Usually, what i see is purple eggplant, seldom i see white eggplant

(10) There's a bridge, but no entry

(11) The path

(12) Saw a 四脚蛇, a quick snap of it before it runs off

(13) Yew Tee Flyover

(14) End my Pang Sua Park Connector here


  1. Eeeeee....was that what they call a four-legged snake, an iguana? Eeeeeeee.....you can imagine it popping its head out of the water in my downstairs toilet bowl. *faints*

    1. Should be...

      OMG, popping it's head out of the toilet bowl water, me also *faint*...

  2. Good Afternoon Zumba Queen!

    Weather good, hot and no haze here.

    You walked so much and looked so thin now like pencil.

    1. Good morning TM...

      Today the weather is good here, no rain...

      How i wish i am thin like pencil, have to target to lost somemore weight to look like it...

  3. I love to see fresh vegetables! So lovely and healthy for my eyes to see. Did you pluck them to cook? It's free!

  4. The big iguana is good to make curry. Catch it and cook with the vegetables for dinner. Both are free.


  5. I like taking this type of walk and looking at plants. Eeekksss!!! Very scared of that big "lizard".

  6. 一起来感受这新鲜空气!嘿嘿~

  7. You have a very interesting walk. If I see an iguana, I will be the one who disappear out of its sight!

  8. Seems like Sg has lots of place like this, suitable for a morning or evening walk...

  9. There's a large park planned near my apartment. Hopefully, they start building it soon. It will surround some office buildings but I think that's better than having no park at all. :)

    1. Do share with us about the park after the complete of the park ya, hehe...
