Monday, August 15, 2016

Surrounding of Sentosa

On the 2nd day to meetup with K, K was telling me that her friend is meeting her at 1pm.  We arrange to meet in the morning.

(1) I used the Sentosa Broadwalk and walk to Sentosa while K and her daughter took cable car there.

(2) While waiting for reply from K the exact location to meet, i walk around, took the above picture which is outside Trick Eye Museum.

(3) We arrange to meet at the cable car station, while looking out for her, saw the above panda and took picture of it.

(4) Since K is bringing her daughter to S.E.A. Aquarium, i am not so keen in it, so i decided to walk around outside and take picture and i told K to give me a call when she's out.

(5) Outside an eatery place

(6) Outside an eatery place

(7) Outside Candylicious

(8) Inside Candylicious

(9) Inside Candylicious

(10) As i am not sure how long will K be inside the S.E.A. Aquarium, i did not venture far and decided to go for a cup of coffee.

I took out a $2 note as i only wanted to order a cup of coffee which i usually had at $1.80, then the cashier told me, $2.50, i told the cashier, i drink from other outlets, it's cheaper, she reply me, yes, here is more expensive as they only have big cup, other outlets, they have small cup.

Then i receive a message from K that the feeding time is 3pm, ask me if it will be too late for me, reply her that i am ok, will go walk walk.  I decided to venture further since i have ample time.

(11) Outside Universal Studio

(12) Random Picture

(13) Random Picture

(14) Merlion

(15) Random Picture

(16) Sentosa Line (internal station), which has 3 stations : Merlion Station, Siloso Station, Imbiah Lookout Station

(17) Sentosa Nature Discovery, but i only racky a bit as i worry not enough time

(18) Decorations

(19) The path

(20) Waterfall

(21) After K come out, i was asking her, where's her friend as no sight of her friend, she mention her friend coming from JB, she thought her friend meeting her at 1pm, but it's 1pm that her friend is leaving her friend place at JB.  Went for lunch, i had wanton mee @ $6.50.

(22) After that, we went to Siloso Beach as to let her daughter play with the water and sand and run around.

(23) Preparation for a D & D nearby

(24) Peacock

After sometimes, i ask K again, where's her friend as still no sight of her friend, she called her friend and was told that her friend hubby forgot to bring out passport and has to go back to bring passport, and that they are not driving, they are taking bus out, and there's long Q.

We departs in the evening, i did not send K and her daughter off in the airport the next day.


  1. Replies
    1. I remember that time, u came with your in-law, and we met at Sentosa, hehe...

  2. Was the coffee cup bigger? Looks pretty much the same to me. Wahhhhhhh!!! $6.50 wanton mee!!! Well, at least , it looks very nice. So much char siew!

    1. Yes, it was bigger, usually, at other outlet, they will serve the small cup unless you tell them you want the bigger cup...

      Tourist spot mah, so $6.50 for the wanton mee...

  3. What a day you had. Spent on walking and sight-seeing.

    Hmm. I still remember sitting in one of the cable car to Sentosa back in 1998.

    1. A day of walking that day...

      That was 18 years back....

  4. my 1st time seeing white peacock.

    wah....spend 1 whole day there also not enough leh

    1. Me also 1st time see white peacock...

      Yes, 1 whole day not enough...

  5. I didn't know can walk to Sentosa. I went there very long ago. The white peacock is very beautiful.

    1. Long long time ago, can't walk, now can liao...

      Yes, very beautiful ya...

  6. Sharon really can walk.. nowadays I cannot walk far far liow.. not like those days.. yes, I didnt know it is peacock until I read..

  7. Its been 30 over years since I last visited Sentosa. I like the photos you have taken while walking around the place. That is a beautiful white peacock!

  8. You just shared very beautiful photos that brought so much memories to me. That's why I love Singapore very much. Nice and clean but hotels so damn bloody expensive la. Wakakaka

  9. Oh, so many beautiful photos in this post. I love the beach most..reminds me of home. ^.^

    1. Before that, has been quite sometimes since i been to beach...
